What is Ice Cream Man?
What is it?
Ice Cream Man is a comic book series from Image Comics written by W. Maxwell Prince, with art by Martín Morazzo and Chris O’Halloran. The series consists of brief horror stories centered primarily around themes involving existential crises or personal anxieties. The structure of the series is also unique, as each chapter is independent yet connected through the enigmatic Ice Cream Man.
What is it about?
The primary focus in Ice Cream Man is on individual horror stories. Each issue or chapter tells a scary story that contains its own unique cast of characters and its own unique storyline. For the most part, these stories are completely unrelated to one another and do not make references to each other. In this way, readers may view it as a piece of media similar to something like The Twilight Zone or Black Mirror.

However, there is one element linking each issue of the Ice Cream Man series: the titular Ice Cream Man himself. In every chapter of this series, a strange Ice Cream Man makes an appearance and typically plays some role in initiating the chapter’s misfortunes. His presence does not dominate the story and, usually, is little more than a brief cameo; though his appearances do hint at a larger storyline being established in the background. Later on, these hints become more significant and imply that the Ice Cream Man has had a large role throughout the reality in which this comic is set.
Who is it for?
This is a comic for fans of horror, albeit a specific type of horror. Most stories in Ice Cream Man involve dark and depressing trips into the psychology of humanity. This can range from topics like the destructive potential of humankind or the senselessness of life itself. Often times, these psychological trips are also accompanied by grotesque or frightening imagery, specifically designed to heighten the book’s terror levels. Those who enjoy horror for the creepy way in which it probes the human psyche are likely to enjoy this book.
On the other hand, those who frighten easily or who do not like disturbing imagery should probably stay away from this particular comic.
Want more?
Those interested in reading Ice Cream Man should check out ComicBookWire’s reviews of the series to find out if this comic is for them.
Readers interested in purchasing this comic can find it on Image Comic’s website or on Amazon.