Venom (SSU) Watching Order

The Venom movies are wild, violent, and over-the-top in a way that works suprisingly well. These films star Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock and ended up starting an entire universe of films. These form the basis for Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (Watching Order), the SSU, a shared universe where Venom can appear in any number of other movies.

This watching order tracks those movies specifically. Our Venom (SSU) Watching Order details all of Venom’s SSU appearances and explains any connections between them.

Venom (SSU) Watching Order

The Venom movies start out simple, with Venom. This movie gets the franchise going with a completely standalone storyline, so you don’t need to see anything else before watching it. Then, the series continues with Venom: Let There Be Carnage. This directly continues the story from the first film, so we highly recommend watching them in order.

Alongside these two films, Venom also appears in Spider-Man: No Way Home, specifically in the end-credits scene. This scene directly continues the end-credits scene from Let There Be Carnage. Meanwhile, the multiversal events of that take place throughout No Way Home provide an explanation for what happens in both of these end-credits scenes.

Venom SSU Watching Order
Main Movies Optional
Venom: Let There Be Carnage    
    Spider-Man: No Way Home 1

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