Mad Max Watching Order

The Max Max movie series is relatively straightforward but still features a few confusing elements. The entire series started with a trilogy released in the late-70s to mid-80s. Then, a new film was released in 2015, and more movies are on the way. Because of this, following along with this Mad Max Watching Order helps make watching these movies a little easier.

This watching order is designed to give an outline of the entire Max Max movie franchise. It explains what order to watch the Mad Max movies and looks at any connections between them.

Mad Max Original Trilogy Watching Order

The Max Max franchise starts with the original Mad Max trilogy. These three films were released in relatively quick succession and take place in a straightforward progression. Because of this, they should be viewed in release order.

The trilogy starts with Mad Max. Then, it directly continues in Mad Max 2. Finally, it concludes in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

These films all continue the story from the previous film but are still relatively independent. Each one makes general references to the film or films that came before it. However, a new viewer could definitely jump into any of these movies and still understand what is going on.

Mad Max Fury Road/Furiosa Watching Order

The Mad Max franchise returned with the release of Mad Max: Fury Road. This is somewhat of a reboot of the entire series. It doesn't contradict the previous films entirely. However, it doesn't reference those film much at all and, in a few places, slightly contradicts them. So, the events of the original trilogy or events like it probably happened but did not happen exactly as they were depicted in the original trilogy.

This new series of films starts with Mad Max: Fury Road. This initial film reintroduces viewers to Mad Max and introduces Furiosa. Right now, this is the only newer Mad Max film.

The series is set to continue with the release of Furiosa. This film is set to be a prequel to Fury Road that will focus on Furiosa's backstory. Then, the franchise is set to continue again with Mad Max: The Wasteland, which is currently set to be a direct sequel to Fury Road.

Mad Max Furiosa
Mad Max: Fury Road    
    Furiosa (upcoming)
Mad Max: The Wasteland (upcoming)    

All Watching Orders

2 thoughts on “Mad Max Watching Order

  • Scoot DeVille

    2nd watching order should be Furiosa, Fury Road, Wasteland.

  • Scoot DeVille

    Also, Wasteland has also been rumoured to be Max’s year leading up to Fury Road.


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