Top Reasons You Should Be Excited About “DC Universe”
With all of this information out there, comic fans have more than a few reasons to intrigued by this new service. To help detail these points, we broke down the most exciting pieces of news and are presenting them to you right here. So here are the top reasons we’re excited for DC Universe:

The Comics
DC Universe is going to offer digital access to a diverse mix of comic book titles. Some will be new titles; such as the New 52 runs on Aquaman, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Green Lantern, The Flash, Justice League, Suicide Squad, Swamp Thing, and Wonder Woman; which will give readers a solid picture of the modern comic book landscape. Others will be some of the more seminal series from comic book history; such as Grant Morrison’s run on Batman and JLA, the 52 event series, or the 2003 Superman/Batman series. Still others will include classic titles from the Golden Age of comics; like the first every appearance of Batman, Superman, and the Teen Titans. This is a solid mix of comics that will be particularly helpful in introducing new readers to the world of DC Comics and helpful for old readers to read up on some hidden gems they may have missed.
The actual platform for reading these comics seems pretty standard. However, a unique twist comes through the number of services it will be accessible on. DC’s press release specifically mentions the ability to read comics on the living room television. We’re not sure what reading a comic through a Fire TV would be like but we’re intrigued by the concept.
The Classics
The history that the DC Comics brand carries with it is immense. DC Universe will be making use of this history by making some of their classic titles available for streaming. This will include TV series like The Adventures of Superman, featuring George Reeves as Superman, and Wonder Woman, featuring Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. It will also include the four classic Christopher Reeve Superman movies. Even the old Super Friends animated TV show will be available.
Check out our DC Character Reading Orders right here
The Modern Classics
For DC Comics fans, classic isn’t always synonymous with “old,” so we’re happy to see plenty of more modern fan favorites here as well. DC Universe looks like it will have the majority of DC’s animated catalog, where plenty of stellar titles can be found. Batman: The Animated Series, Teen Titans, and Static Shock will all be available. In addition, recent animated movies like Gotham by Gaslight, Justice League vs. Teen Titans, and Batman Ninja will also be included. With this being just a small sample of the titles on DC Universe, it is easy to see why we’re excited.

The New Shows
While having a deep well of older titles is nice, one of the best aspects of DC Universe is the new shows that it will be bringing with it. Titans is set to come out later this year, while Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol, Harley Quinn, and Young Justice: Outsiders come out in 2019. All of these titles look great but the two we’re most looking forward to are Titans, which looks like a promising take on classic characters, and Young Justice: Outsiders, which provides the long-awaited continuation to the Young Justice series. All of these shows appear to have plenty of potential and are possibly the most convincing reason to look into DC Universe as a streaming service.
Are you excited about the possibilities DC Universe presents? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest!