Top 10 Reasons you should read Archie Comics right now
10. Riverdale is out
At the end of January, the CW started showing a brand new TV series based on Archie Comics, Riverdale. The CW has a pretty decent track record of turning comic books into television shows and is currently managing the likes of classic characters like Green Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl. While this new series seems to be darker and more dramatic than the comic books, it still involves the same cast and universe. So brushing up on who’s who in Riverdale might not be a bad idea.
Check out a trailer here to see if it looks like something you’d enjoy.
9. Love triangle
Twilight and the Hunger Games should take some notes because this is a series that can do love triangles correctly. Archie, Betty, and Veronica have been in a love triangle for longer than most of us have been alive, yet their story still manages to stay interesting. Maybe it’s because the triangle isn’t annoying or overdone. Rather, it is a nice point of interest that provides the series with a ton of laughs, and a little drama to go on the side.
8. Blends the old with the new

In the past, Archie Comics had been the butt of more than a few jokes. The comic had become a little too silly and dated and didn’t really stand up to many others comics being published. However, there was still something special about the concept and characters that remained endearing at the core. This new series succeeds in pleasing everyone by taking this core concept and giving it a layer of polish. That way, previous fans will still enjoy it while new fans have something to appreciate too.
7. The characters
From Archie to Jughead and Betty to Veronica, Archie Comics have some truly classic characters. This could be why they have managed to last over 75 years. Not only that, but the cast has expanded to become quite diverse as well. They have stood the test of time and shown that they have some real lasting appeal among all ages of readers.
6. Great for all ages
Nowadays, it can be hard to find a comic book that satisfies more than one age range. They are typically either made for adults or much younger children, with no overlap. Most superhero comics involve some pretty adult themes and some others can be even darker than that. On the flip side, those comics that are available for children do not usually end up appealing to adults because they become too childish. This is where Archie Comics shine. They are fun and lighthearted enough for children to enjoy but also have an underlying layer of sophistication that adults will like.
5. Story Arcs
In the past, each issue of each Archie Comics was relatively separate from the others. However, these new series will retain continuity from issue to issue. This allows them to build up some pretty interesting story arcs from one issue to the next. This means that as soon as you hear about “the lipstick incident” you’ll be dying to read the next issue. Archie Comics were already fun to read, but now that they can actually build up larger story arcs, it should allow for some very interesting things to start happening.
4. The talent
With big names like Mark Waid, Fiona Staples, Adam Hughes, Marguerite Bennett, and Chip Zdarsky, you know there is going to be really great stuff coming out of “New Riverdale”. From stories to art, there are some really big talents working on making these series into something special. So far, it seems to be working and, knowing these people, there should be a lot more to come.
3. Deeper plotlines and stories
In older Archie Comics, the stories often revolved around Archie getting into some vague hijinks or chasing after various girls. While this still sometimes serves as the premise, much deeper themes often permeate the work as well. These can range from things as simple as the importance of friends and family to something more complex like the turmoil that is growing up and developing as a person. To put it simply, earlier Archie Comics were like cheesy after school specials while the modern Archie ends up being more like a good feature length movie.

2. It’s fun
Fun. Sometimes it almost feels like publishers forget that is what comics are supposed to be. Many stories end up being far too serious and feature characters that take themselves too seriously. Every now and then you just need a break from it all to have a few laughs and revel in the good time. That is what Archie Comics provide. They are lighthearted, enjoyable, and, above all, fun. You’ll be hard pressed to find comics that are as good of a time to read as these.
1. There has never been a better time to jump in
Archie has been appearing in comic books since 1941, meaning there are a lot of Archie Comics out there. However, at the beginning of 2016 they decided they needed a fresh start. So they relaunched Archie with a brand new issue one and began relaunching the subsequent series immediately after. This means that you don’t have to pour through decades of Archie history in order to understand what is going on (not that there really is much of a continuity anyway). You can simply grab the latest trade paperback and be right at the beginning of the story.
Suggested Reading
Interested in learning more about Archie Comics? Want to know which one is the best for you? Check out our reviews on some of the collections that are out right now. We reviewed the start of every “New Riverdale” series out there, for some that was the first collected volume while for the newer ones it was just the first issue.
This one is the main series and where most of the action happens. It is an extremely smartly written series that still manages to be funny and entertaining throughout. It is a great series to read in general and a great series to start reading in order to get introduced to all of the characters and places in Archie Comics. Read this if you just want to know what Archie is up to or if you simply want to dip your toes into the universe.
This series puts the spotlight on Archie’s pal Jughead and provides lots of laughs while doing so. It is a series focused much more on absurd comedy rather than drama or relationships. This means that relationship problems and fighting between friends can rarely be found anywhere in these books. Instead of these things, readers get to see Jughead and the rest of the gang go on bizarre and weird adventures that are often filled with comedy and usually end with a plethora of low stakes laughs. Read this if you weren’t a fan of the drama in Archie and wanted more comedy instead.
Betty and Veronica
This series is very similar to Archie in that it is heavily based on the main cast. However, the focus is shifted to the female side as more attention is paid to Betty and Veronica over Archie. Like Archie, this series is smartly written and funny, while still trying to drive home a deeper message. All in all this is a series that is very similar to the main Archie series, it simply provides a look at a new and different angle/story. Read this if you liked Archie and just want more.
Josie and the Pussycats
This may be the biggest departure from the main series as it follows a completely different cast of characters. This story is focused on Josie and her friends starting a band and the trouble they have along the way. It still has the charm and comedy of Archie but tries to appeal more to young adults as it does contain more adult themes. The main cast of Archie do not really make many appearances here. The main characters in this series are also a little bit older than their counterparts. Read this if you want a different cast from the rest of the series or if you are looking for something geared towards young adults.
Reggie and Me
Check out life through the looking glass as this series has you following the life of Reggie, the main villain from Archie. Like Marvel’s Darth Vader, this series gives a different perspective on the events that happen in this new Riverdale. It gives reader a peak into how man’s best friend would view a villain, as the entire series is told from the point of view of Reggie’s dog. A little less comedic and more introspective, read this series if you want a little more character-based stories in the world of Archie.