Timelines and New Logos- 9/5 Update
Right off the bat, I’m extremely happy to say that ComicBookWire is bigger and better than ever before. We currently have over 600 pages of content, including reviews, timelines, reading orders, interesting articles, and news. We also are receiving more traffic each and every day; each week seems to bring in hundreds of additional views. All of this is allowing us to do a lot with the site and offer more helpful information and interesting content than ever before.

One example of our commitment to new and interesting content, comes from our new series of Timeline pages. These pages are designed to explain exactly what happens to a specific comic book character as they progress through years of comic book history. The goal with these pages, like most everything done at ComicBookWire, is to make reading comic books easier. They allow you to quickly freshen up on a character’s history before you start reading their comics.
For example, say you’re interested in reading about the Justice League’s most recent adventures, which take place in the Rebirth era of comics. You have a vague notion of who is on the League but have no clue about their adventures in the era before Rebirth. Our Justice League Timeline will give you the most significant details from all of their adventures leading up to this era, allowing you to stay completely up to date without spending weeks rereading old comics.
Each of these Timeline pages is designed to reflect the events outlined on our Reading Order pages. Right now, we only have Timelines for DC Comics characters but we’re constantly in the process of expanding and will hopefully have character from other properties before too long.
The other most obvious change for ComicBookWire is our snazzy new logo. With increased attention to the site, it became increasingly obvious that an update in branding was overdue. Our new logo will be representing us on our various social media platforms and may even make its way into some physical products in the upcoming future. Overall, I really like the new design and am hoping you all do too.
That’s it for this week! If you want to stay updated on everything ComicBookWire is up to in the future, make sure to follow ComicBookWire on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. Either way, thanks for reading and have a wonderful week!