Vibe (Cisco Ramon) Timeline

This timeline is heavily based on our “Vibe (Cisco Ramon) Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Vibe’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with his “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
At the beginning of the New 52, a new version of Vibe was introduced. This version is named Cisco Ramon and is clearly a different character from the previous Vibe, who was named Paco Ramone.
Almost immediately after being introduced, Vibe goes on to play a role on the newly formed Justice League of America. He also maintains his own solo adventures as well.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Vibe (Cisco Ramon) Reading Order“.
Justice League of America’s Vibe: Not-So-Secret Origin
Five years before the present, Cisco Ramon is walking around with his brothers, Armando and Dante Ramon. Suddenly, a Boom Tube opens up right where Cisco is standing. Armando saves Cisco from being torn apart but is lost in the Boom Tube.
In the present, Cisco is approached by Agent Dale Gunn of A.R.G.U.S. Dale explains that the Boom Tube disrupted Cisco’s connection to his home dimension, giving him the ability to sense things from other realities, project vibrational waves, and be invisible in photographs. He offers Cisco a job with A.R.G.U.S. tracking down incursions from other dimensions. The job also comes with a position on the Justice League of America.
Cisco accepts and quickly begins hunting down breaches in reality. However, he discovers that the targets he is sent against are often sympathetic and not as violent as he thought they would be. This causes him to question A.R.G.U.S.’s motives.
Meanwhile, a woman breaks out of custody at A.R.G.U.S.
This storyline extends through issues #1-3 of Justice League of America’s Vibe Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Justice League of America’s Vibe Vol. 1: Breach (Review).

Justice League of America: World’s Most Dangerous
Amanda Waller has designed the Justice League of America (Timeline), a team handpicked to counter the Justice League (Timeline), should the need arise. Vibe is chosen as a potential counter to the Flash. Waller believes Vibe’s ability to alter vibrational frequencies should allow him to disrupt the Flash’s connection to the Speed Force.
On their first mission, Vibe plays a key role in dismantling the robots that attack them. He also helps fight more villains when the Justice League of America goes in to investigate the Secret Society.
This storyline extends through issues #1-5 of Justice League of America Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 1: World’s Most Dangerous (Review) .
Trinity War
An altercation breaks out between the Justice League (Timeline) and the Justice League of America (Timeline) when the Justice League enters a restricted area. During the fight, Vibe goes head to head with the Flash and finds out he is capable of disrupting the Flash’s connection to the Speed Force. As the fight progresses, something causes Superman to lose control of his powers and he accidentally kills Dr. Light, another hero. To deal with Superman’s loss of control, the two teams declare a temporary truce and head to A.R.G.U.S. where Superman is voluntarily incarcerated.
Batman and Wonder Woman lead separate investigations into Superman’s condition; Vibe accompanies Batman’s team. Batman and a few others go into the afterlife to interrogate Dr. Light. While this happens, Vibe and other heroes wait in the House of Mystery.
Eventually, this group of heroes reconnects with the rest of the heroes, who have obtained Pandora’s Box. This mystical relic is causing everyone to go crazy and fight one another. In the resulting battle, it is revealed that the Atom was the one responsible for Superman’s lack of control, as she had been a double agent the entire time. Her actions allow a mysterious stranger to open Pandora’s Box, which then opens a portal to Earth 3. The Crime Syndicate, an evil version of the Justice League, then emerges from this portal and begins to attack the heroes. They lock the heroes, including Vibe, in a mystical prison.
This storyline extends through issues #22-23 of Justice League Vol. 2, issues #22-23 of Justice League Dark Vol. 1, issues #6-7 of Justice League of America Vol. 3, and issue #11 of Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger Vol 4. These issues are collected in Trinity War (Review). See our “Trinity War Reading Order” or our “Trinity War Timeline” for more information.
Justice League of America: Debrief
This story explains that all heroes imprisoned by the Crime Syndicate were set free. It also shows Vibe embroiled with problems outside of A.R.G.U.S.’s control.
Vibe’s involvement in this story is told in issue #14 of Justice League of America Vol. 3. This issue is collected in Justice League of America Vol. 2: Survivors of Evil (Review).
Justice League of America’s Vibe: Breach
Vibe is sent to capture Gypsy, a shapeshifter who escaped from A.R.G.U.S. custody back in “Not-So-Secret Origin.” Upon meeting her, she explains that she is simply trying to return to her home dimension. After hearing this, Vibe turns on A.R.G.U.S. and decides to help Gypsy. They are not able to do much though, as they are soon apprehended by Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad.
Cisco’s brother, Dante, teams up with Agent Gunn to break Cisco out of custody. When they do, Cisco lets out a massive burst of energy, accidently weakening the boundaries between dimensions. This allows a hunter from Gypsy’s home dimension to find the two. However, upon confronting them, this hunter reveals himself to be Cisco’s long-lost brother, Armando. For some unknown reason, Armando stabs Cisco in the chest and syphons his powers to travel between dimensions.
Cisco ends up in Gypsy’s home dimension, where he is patched up by members of a rebel group. This group explains that Armando arrived in their dimension years ago with superpowers similar to Cisco’s. He was immediately brainwashed by their ruler, Mordeth, who then used his power to enslave their entire world. Now, Mordeth plans to use Gypsy to open a portal to Earth, where Armando will be forced to enslave a new world.
Cisco tries to stop Mordeth but Armando prevents him from doing so. The two brothers fight until Mordeth steps in and tries to take over Cisco’s mind. Seeing his brother in so much pain temporarily allows Armando to control his own actions, so he kills Mordeth. This completely frees Armando from Mordeth’s control. However, Armando reveals that he cannot travel back to Earth with Cisco, as he feels the need to fix the world that he enslaved. Cisco and Gypsy return to Earth by themselves.
Now back on Earth, Cisco approaches Amanda Waller and tells her his story. Cisco agrees to help A.R.G.U.S. track down interdimensional breaches if Amanda Waller agrees to help Cisco find a way to return to Armando. The two reach a deal and Cisco resumes his career as an A.R.G.U.S. agent.
This storyline extends through issues #4-10 of Justice League of America’s Vibe Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Justice League of America’s Vibe Vol. 1: Breach (Review).
Vibe (Cisco Ramon) has yet to appear in the Rebirth era of DC Comics