Tara Markov Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Terra Markov Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with her “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with her “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. All of Terra’s past is wiped out and her history is left almost completely open. She starts the New 52 as a captive in “The Colony” and continues her adventures from there.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Terra Markov Reading Order“.
The Culling
N.O.W.H.E.R.E., a mysterious organization with nefarious purposes, has recently been kidnapping young metahumans and experimenting on them, bringing their hidden abilities to the surface. The teenagers are then forced into an underground world called “The Colony”. There, they are forced to fight one another in battles designed to find the strongest young metahumans in the world.
Terra is one of the young metahumans stuck in this prison. She has the ability to telekinetically move rocks but has no memory of her past. Her only friend appears to be Beast Boy, who she spends time with in the Colony.
This all changes when the Teen Titans and the Legion of Super-Heroes arrive in the Colony. They destroy the underground base and Harvest, the Colony’s leader, giving Terra and a number of other prisoners time to escape. They all leave the base hoping for a better life on the outside.
Terra’s role in this storyline extends through issues #8-9 of Superboy Vol. 6, issue #9 of Legion Lost Vol. 2, and issue #9 and annual #1 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in The Culling: Rise of the Ravagers (Review).

The Ravagers: The Kids From N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
After leaving the Colony, Terra Markov and a group of other escapees end up somewhere in the wilds of Alaska. At first, no one, except Caitlin Fairchild, sees any point in sticking together. So Terra and Beast Boy decide to strike out on their own.
However, Beast Boy’s connection to the animal world allows him to sense an evil plan from Brother Blood, a newly introduced villain. Blood is attempting to enter the animal life web, the same web that gives Beast Boy his powers. Beast Boy convinces Terra to help him stop Blood. The duo storm Blood’s base and find the rest of the Colony escapees there. They free them and destroy the base, leaving Blood’s fate unclear.
At this point, Terra and Beast Boy decide to start traveling with the rest of the group. They follow Caitlin Fairchild to a lab where she says they will be safe.
This storyline extends through issues #1-4 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 1: The Kids From N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (Review).
The Ravagers: Game Changer
At their new base, Terra and the rest of the escapees discuss their future. They learn that teenaged metahumans are still being tracked down and captured, and they decide to do something about it. They all start training so they can use their powers to save others.
Their first trial comes when they attempt to save a young metahuman from being captured. They are immediately attacked by several N.O.W.H.E.R.E. operatives. They are able to beat the first two but the second two, Rose Wilson and Warblade, are more skilled. However, after thinking about what these people did to her, Terra is driven wild with rage and uses her powers to defeat the villains. She then tries to kill Warblade, despite protests from the rest of her team. However, the villains are able to escape in the confusion, leaving the team worried about Terra’s new killer nature.
This storyline extends through issues #5-7 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 1: The Kids From N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (Review).
The Ravagers: Fathers
Terra and the rest of the group come across Rose and Warblade reluctantly trying to cure a metahuman virus running rampant through a small town. Though Terra wants to kill them, the rest of the group convinces her to wait and see if the villains are able to stop the virus. The crisis is averted and the heroes and villains part ways.
This storyline extends through issues #8-9 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 2: Heavenly Destruction (Review).
The Ravagers: Day One
In the past, Terra was a prisoner of N.O.W.H.E.R.E., where villainous agents worked to expose her metahuman powers. To accomplish this, they tossed a barrage of rocks at her, which she blocked with her geokinesis. Their theory was that if she blocked the rocks it would make her more powerful and if she died trying to block them she wasn’t worth their time.
When testing these powers, Terra formed an early friendship with another prisoner, named Beast Boy. Together, the two showed a remarkable level of potential and impressed the organization’s leader, Harvest.
This story is told in issue #0 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 2: Heavenly Destruction (Review).
The Ravagers: Heavenly Destruction

Terra and her new teammates finally have a moment of free time. Terra and Beast Boy use this moment to finally begin their romantic relationship, which has been building for quite a while now.
However, their free time is cut short when Deathstroke arrives at their base. Deathstroke is working for Harvest and is carrying a dagger that appears to set anything it touches ablaze. Deathstroke uses this dagger to “kill” a number of Terra’s teammates. When he is about to use it to kill Beast Boy, Terra sacrifices herself instead and is immediately engulfed in flames. Though Beast Boy attempts to avenge her, the base’s roof collapses on top of him and he is left for dead.
Later, it is revealed that Deathstroke’s dagger was actually a teleporter, allowing him to bring all of his victims back to Harvest. As payment, he takes Rose Wilson and Terra Markov with him, claiming they will be useful in the future.
This storyline extends through issues #10-12 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 2: Heavenly Destruction (Review).
Deathstroke: Resurrection Day
At some point after enlisting Rose Wilson and Terra Markov’s help, Deathstroke faces his most serious crisis yet. His son, Jericho, has taken over the mind of an incredibly powerful superhero and plans to use this hero’s powers to take over the world. Terra helps by using the power of a volcano to drag the hero underground. However, he quickly escapes and begins to wreck havoc again.
Eventually, Deathstroke is able to stop the madness, though he is forced to kill his son to do so. Terra’s fate is left relatively unclear.
This storyline extends through issues #19-20 of Deathstroke Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt (Review).
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