Solstice Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Solstice Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Kiran’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with Kiran’s “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. Solstice is reintroduced at the very beginning of this era and quickly becomes a prominent figure on the Teen Titans. She sticks with this group for almost all of her New 52 comic book appearances.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Solstice Reading Order“.
Teen Titans: It’s Our Right to Fight

At some point in time, Kiran Singh, otherwise known as Solstice, is captured and experimented upon by N.O.W.H.E.R.E., a clandestine organization that has recently been kidnapping teenaged metahumans. Their experiments are painful and give her a rocky exterior. One day, Kiran is rescued from her prison by Kid Flash. The two escape the facility together and, thanks to Danny the Street, are teleported to Red Robin’s apartment in New York City.
While there, they meet Robin’s teammates and learn about their mission. The group is dedicated to stopping N.O.W.H.E.R.E. from abducting more teenagers, a venture that Kid Flash and Solstice are eager to help with.
Soon after, the entire group, now going by the “Teen Titans”, is thrust into battle against Superboy, who has been sent by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to capture them. Superboy defeats them all but, after talking to Solstice, decides to abandon his mission and leave the Teen Titans alone.
After taking a moment to regroup, the Teen Titans learn that N.O.W.H.E.R.E. has recaptured the rogue Superboy and is planning to kill him. Red Robin convinces the rest of the team to save him and they all storm N.O.W.H.E.R.E.’s base. Though they are initially successful, the group is eventually stopped by Harvest, the leader of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
Throughout this storyline, Solstice and Kid Flash develop a flirtatious relationship.
This storyline extends through issues #1-7 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: It’s Our Right to Fight (Review).
Teen Titans: The Culling

Solstice and the rest of the Teen Titans are now prisoners of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. They are each tortured by a metahuman named Omen, who has the power to look into their darkest secrets. Once Omen is done torturing everyone, they are teleported to the Colony.
They quickly learn that the Colony is an underground location where teen metahumans are pitted against one another in a vicious battle royale. The winner becomes a Ravager, one of Harvest’s elite soldiers; the losers die. The Teen Titans team up with the Legion Lost to free the teen metahumans and battle Harvest. Though they are unable to defeat Harvest in a fight, they are able to start a cave-in that destroys the Colony.
The Teen Titans are only barely able to escape the cave-in.
Solstice’s involvement in this storyline is told through issues #8-9 of Teen Titans Vol. 4, Annual #1 of Teen Titans Vol. 4, issue #9 of Superboy Vol. 6, and issue #9 of Legion Lost Vol. 2. These issues are collected in The Culling: Rise of the Ravagers (Review) (Reading Order).
Teen Titans: Saur Feelings
After escaping the Colony, the Teen Titans wind up on a tropical island that is filled with dinosaurs. After dealing with the dinosaurs, they all take a moment to regroup. While resting, Solstice and Kid Flash flirt more and even share a quick kiss.
Eventually, the group discovers that Danny the Street is on this island with them. Danny uses the rest of his power to send the Teen Titans back to New York City.
This story is told in issue #10 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Culling (Review).
Teen Titans: The Origin of Wonder Girl
The Teen Titans have barely returned home when their headquarters is trashed by a villain. Wonder Girl is able to fight the villain off but her armor starts to malfunction. She ends up being completely overtaken by the armor and fights most of the Titans. Robin and Superboy take her away to help her regain control.
Meanwhile, Solstice spends some time on her own while Bunker and Kids Flash hang out together. Eventually, Wonder Girl and the others return and the team is back together again. However, they quickly discover that Red Robin has been kidnapped.
Solstice’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #11, #12, and #14 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Culling (Review).
Teen Titans: Death of the Family
Desperate to find Red Robin, the Teen Titans go to Gotham City and reach out to the only contact he left them, Batgirl. She explains that the Joker has plunged the city into chaos and is likely to have taken Red Robin as well. She also gives them a list of locations where he might be found.
While searching these locations, Kid Flash accidentally kicks up a powder that Joker laid on the ground earlier. The powder causes a group of normal citizens to go crazy and begin attacking the Teen Titans. They are almost overwhelmed when Starfire (Timeline) and Arsenal (Timeline) show up and provide some help. Together, they are able to find an antidote to Joker’s toxin and save the people.
After the Joker is dealt with, Red Robin is able to regroup with the rest of the Titans. Though he initially believes they will be mad at him for endangering their lives, they are simply happy he is alright. Red Robin then brings them all to a massive yacht, which he says is their new headquarters. They are all excited about their new living situation and are ready to face the future.
At the very end of the night, Red Robin comes to talk to Solstice. At first, their conversation is friendly but the two end up kissing, despite Solstice’s feelings for Kid Flash. Red Robin then leaves Solstice and visits Wonder Girl, who he also kisses. In another dimension, it is made clear that Red Robin’s actions are being influenced by the villainous Trigon, though the team is unaware of his influence.
This storyline extends through issues #15-16 of Teen Titans Vol. 4 and issue #16 of Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 3: Death of the Family (Review).
Teen Titans: Light and Dark
Red Robin lies to the rest of the Teen Titans to get them to agree to a mission against the Suicide Squad. The mission gets Amanda Waller to leave the Titans alone but creates some distrust in Robin’s leadership.
Shortly after recovering from this mission, the Teen Titans enter a battle against the demon overload Trigon, who has sent his sons to begin an invasion of Earth. The Titans are able to beat his sons thanks, in part, to Raven, Trigon’s daughter. She has rebelled against her father and works with the Titans to fight his forces, bringing Beast Boy to help as well.
With his sons defeated, Trigon enters the battle himself. He takes over the minds of most of the team but Red Robin, Raven, and Beast Boy are able to overpower him.
In the aftermath, the Teen Titans agree to allow Raven and Beast Boy to join their team. However, Raven casually mentions that Trigon’s influence caused Red Robin to kiss Solstice, something Kid Flash did not know. He barricades himself in his room out of anger, refusing to talk to anyone. While there, a portal opens up and someone from the future tries to grab Kid Flash and take him away.
This storyline extends through issues #18-22 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: Light and Dark (Review).
Teen Titans: Hello, I Must Be Going!
Kid Flash is nearly pulled into the future by unknown assailants but, with the help of his friends, he is able to break free. He explains to them that he believes he did something wrong and that this is why people are after him, however he cannot remember what he did. All of the Titans then agree to table the issue and simply take a break.
After this happens, Kid Flash and Solstice talk. They both share their fears and frustrations and end up reconciling.
All of the Titans are then brought together for an announcement from Bunker. His boyfriend just woke up out of his coma and Bunker has decided to temporarily leave the Titans to go see him. Beast Boy also leaves, to make sure that Bunker is able to make it home alright.
This story is told in issue #23 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: Light and Dark (Review).
Forever Evil
The Justice League (Timeline) is gone and, in their place, an evil version of the League has risen. This evil League has revealed the identity of Nightwing and has effectively declared war on superheroes.
In response, the Teen Titans try to fight them. However, the evil version of the Flash uses his connection to the Speed Force to destabilize Kid Flash’s connection to the present. This opens up a vortex that absorbs all of the Titans.
Solstice’s role in this storyline extends through issues #1-2 of Forever Evil Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Forever Evil (Review).
Teen Titans: Caught Up In Circles
As a result of their battle in Forever Evil (Review), the Teen Titans are sent hurtling through the timestream. Kid Flash and Solstice end up at some time in the future, where they run into Kid Flash before he was sent into the present. This Kid Flash is plotting an attack on an unknown enemy, which will result in a number of casualties. The present Kid Flash tries to talk him out of it but he and Solstice are pulled back into the timestream.
This story is told in issue #24 and of Teen Tians Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).
Teen Titans: The Trial of Kid Flash

All of the Teen Titans end up at the same point in the future. Soon after arriving, the police of the future show up and take Kid Flash into custody.
They explain that Kid Flash is actually Bar Torr, a deadly criminal who led a rebellion against the tyrannical government. Recently, he had given up his cause and agreed to be mind-wiped and sent into the past, giving the government time to prepare his case. Now, he is given back his memories and is put on trial.
However, it turns out that this was all part of Bar’s plan. He submitted to the mind-wipe and sentencing so that he could get all of the government leaders together for his trial, giving his rebels the perfect opportunity to attack. A massive battle erupts and the Teen Titans try to save as many people as they can. While they do that, Bar leads his rebels in battle, until his sister arrives and begins to talk to him. She convinces him to truly abandon his cause, which he does.
In the aftermath, Bar is given a life sentence on a prison planet. Solstice expresses her love for him and wants to join him. He tries to change her mind but she kills one of the trial’s judges so that no one will be able to stop her from joining him. The two say goodbye to their friends and are condemned to a life in prison.
This storyline extends through issues #25-30 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).
Teen Titans: Be Careful What You Wish For
On the prison planet, Solstice and Kid Flash are in a constant fight for their lives. Solstice feels overwhelmed by the situation but Kid Flash assures her that they will somehow fix their new world and finally find peace.
This story is told in annual #3 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).
Teen Titans: Rogue Targets
Bar Torr reappears in the present on a metahuman team that is pitted against the Teen Titans. While interacting with them he explains that he was mysteriously pulled back in time but that Solstice was still stuck in her future prison.
This story mentions Solstice in issue #10 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: Rogue Targets (Review).
Teen Titans: The Sum of its Parts
Bar Torr leaves the Teen Titans and begins looking for a way to save Solstice from being imprisoned in the future.
This story mentions Solstice in issue #15 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Sum of Its Parts.
Solstice has yet to make an appearance in the Rebirth era of DC Comics. It can be assumed that she is still in the same position she was in at the end of the New 52 era, however this may prove to be false. Until she appears again, her current situation is uncertain.