Ravager (Grant Wilson) Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Ravager (Grant Wilson) Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Ravager’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with his “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. Ravager’s history is completely wiped out and he is quickly reintroduced through the Deathstroke series. He plays a small role in that series and then disappears from comic books for a while. His story is continued again in the “Rebirth” era of DC Comics (Timeline coming soon).
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Ravager (Grant Wilson) Reading Order“.
As a youth, Grant Wilson was trained to be an assassin by his father, Deathstroke. His father’s standards were impossibly high and their relationship was never good. Eventually, Grant was seemingly killed on a job.

In the present, someone taunts Deathstroke by sending him his son’s old mask. In addition, the parents of one of Deathstroke’s victims are funding various assassins to kill him. The most powerful of these assassins is Grant, who was also the person who sent Deathstroke the old mask.
Grant fights Deathstroke and clearly has the advantage. However, the parents from earlier arrive and shut down Grant’s armor. They then offer Deathstroke freedom from endless assassins if he choses to murder his own son, which they believe will be a just punishment for killing their daughter. Instead, Deathstroke kills the parents and then collapses. Grant has the opportunity to kill his father but decides not to.
Ravager’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #4-7 of Deathstroke Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Deathstroke Vol. 1: Legacy (Review).
A Soldiers Story
Years in the past, Deathstroke’s actions constantly put his family at risk, creating immense tension between him and his wife. To get away from this danger, Grant Wilson’s mother and brother faked their own deaths. This set Grant’s brother, Joseph, down a path of vengeance.
This story is told in issue #0 of Deathstroke Vol. 2. These issue is collected in Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt (Review).
Resurrection Day
Deathstroke’s other son, Jericho (Joseph Wilson), tries to kill his father and take over the world. To accomplish this goal he uses mind control to enslave a group of followers, including Grant Wilson. When Jericho’s plan fails, he grabs a hold of Grant and threatens to kill him unless Deathstroke allows them to escape. However, deeming Jericho too great a threat to the world, Deathstroke stabs through Grant into Jericho, apparently killing them both. Their bodies are both missing when A.R.G.U.S. agents reach the scene.
Ravager’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #19-20 of Deathstroke Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt (Review).
Lord of War
This comic issue presents a radically different take on Grant Wilson, one completely removed from everything that was shown earlier. In this story, Grant has a loving relationship with his father. The two went on missions together until Grant was killed on the job. However, none of these events are mentioned again. It is likely this story was ignored in the greater DC continuity.
This story is told in issue #23.2 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in the DC New 52 Villains Omnibus.
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