Lobo (New 52 Version) Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Lobo (New 52 Version) Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Lobo’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with his “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. Though there was already a character named Lobo in this new continuity, DC attempted to launch a new character going by the same name and occupying the same place in DC’s lore. Throughout the New 52 era of DC Comics, this new Lobo claimed to be the “real” Lobo and claimed that the other Lobo was an imposter. Though this status quo shifts later on, it is the generally accepted narrative throughout the New 52.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Lobo Reading Order“.
The Last Paycheck
Lobo takes a job delivering a shipment of unknown cargo. When he discovers that the cargo is aliens who will be killed upon reaching their destination, he doesn’t care. In return he is given information telling him that he can find the other Lobo on Earth.
This story is told in issue #23.2 of Justice League Vol. 2. This issue is collected in the DC New 52 Villains Omnibus.
After reaching Earth, Lobo cannot find the other Lobo. His employer tells him that he might be able to find more information in Dr. Shay Veritas’s lab. He breaks into her lab and steals the information, though he receives some trouble from Supergirl. It is unclear exactly how helpful the information will be in helping Lobo find the other Lobo.
Lobo’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #26-29 of Supergirl Vol. 6. These issues are collected in Supergirl Vol. 5: Red Daughter of Krypton.
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Lobo makes a brief appearance in the Red Hood and the Outlaws series. He discovers that the other Lobo is still using his name and reaffirms his mission to track him down.
This story is told in issue #31 of Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1. This issue is collected in Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 5: The Big Picture (Review).
Justice League United
Lobo briefly works for Byth in his battle against the Justice League United (Timeline). In this role, Lobo has to fight Hawkman and also steal his dead body later on. In exchange, Byth provides Lobo with the information that will allow him to track down the other Lobo.
Lobo’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #0-4 of Justice League United Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Justice League United Vol. 1: Justice League Canada (Review).

In the distant past, Lobo was one of the king’s royal bodyguards on the planet of Czarnia. However, the king slowly began to grow crazy. He poisoned the planet during sacred rituals and killed his people if they tried to escape. Eventually, Lobo was forced to kill the king, which had the added effect of destroying the planet.
In the present, Lobo is able to track down the other Lobo and, seemingly, kill him. Shortly after this, he is approached with a new contract. The job is to kill eight deadly assassins before they have a chance to complete their shared goal, to destroy the entire planet Earth. Lobo easily dispatches each of his new targets and completes the job.
However, the final target clues him in on an additional piece of information. Years ago, she poisoned the king of Czarnia, causing him to go insane. This means that she was the one who ultimately doomed the planet, not Lobo. She offers to tell him who paid her to doom Czarnia in exchange for her life, but Lobo finishes the job anyway.
This storyline extends through issues #1-6 of Lobo Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Lobo Vol. 1: Targets (Review).
Batman/Superman: Deathwatch
While looking for a killer, Batman and Superman receive intel that Lobo may be the culprit. They track him down and Superman questions him. However, Batman realizes that Lobo’s weapons do not match the weapons they are looking for. Superman tells Lobo to leave the planet and Lobo responds by saying “Make me.” Superman then punches Lobo so hard that he rockets out of Earth’s orbit.
All of this happens between chapters 3 and 4 of the “Targets” storyline.
This story is told in issue #17 of Batman/Superman Vol. 1. This issue is collected in Batman/Superman Vol. 4: Siege (Review).
Lobo meets with the leader of the Void Whisper, the company who employed the eight assassins that tried to destroy Earth. She explains that her company is upset that someone would pit Lobo against them and offer him a job. He accepts.
Lobo’s new job involves policing the assassins within his new employer’s organization. He quickly finds a mole but learns that this mole was being controlled by outside forces. He hunts down Countess Odessa, who is using an army of mind-controlling robot spiders to build up a massive web of influence. She temporarily takes over Lobo’s body but he is able to break free and kill her.
This storyline extends through DC Sneak Peek: Lobo #1 and issues #7-9 of Lobo Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Lobo Vol. 2: Beware His Might.
Beware his Might
Lobo is hunting down Sinestro, so that he can obtain the massive bounty on Sinestro’s head. He is nearly able to beat Sinestro but, before being able to deal the killing strike, Sinestro calls off the contract. It turns out that Sinestro placed his own bounty, as a test for potential workers. He then hires Lobo to help take down his enemies.
This story is told in Annual #1 of Lobo Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Lobo Vol. 2: Beware His Might.

Sinestro Rising
Lobo still works for the Void Whisper but is out doing jobs for the Yellow Lantern Corps. His new work has him hunting down various Lanterns and either killing them or bringing them to Sinestro. He kills a number of Lanterns but the Red Lanterns are able to heal themselves and Indigo-1 escapes through teleportation. Overall though, Sinestro is pleased with his work.
This storyline extends through issues #10-11 of Lobo Vol. 3 and issue #15 of Sinestro Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Sinestro Vol. 3: Rising.
While dealing with a group of drug smugglers, Lobo accidentally inhales some of their product. This causes him to experience a variety of hallucinations and drives him almost completely crazy. He turns on the Void Whisper and goes on a killing spree. His is only stopped when he tries to fight Hal Jordan, who is able to take him down.
However, he is picked up by a member of the Citadel, who offers to fix Lobo up. Instead, Lobo kills this man and goes out on his own again.
This storyline extends through issues #12-13 of Lobo Vol. 3. These issues are uncollected.
Batman/Superman: Universe’s Finest
Lobo accepts a contract to kill Batman for a mysterious alien. In their first encounter, he underestimates Batman, and Batman is able to steal Lobo’s ship and escape. Eventually, Lobo runs into Batman again and holds him outside an airlock, suffocating him.
When he delivers Batman’s body to his new employer, Batman is somehow alive. Lobo fights him again but is easily outmatched. Batman throws Lobo into orbit and goes on to deal with the alien. A short while later, it is revealed that Batman and Superman had switched places and that Lobo was actually fighting Superman. The Man of Steel lets the Green Lantern Corps know that Lobo is in orbit nearby.
Though Lobo’s fate after this storyline is uncertain, it could, possibly, explain his position at the beginning of the Rebirth era of DC Comics.
Lobo’s involvement in this story is told in issues #28-30 of Batman/Superman Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Batman/Superman Vol. 6: Universe’s Finest (Review).
Lobo is almost completely absent from the Rebirth era of DC Comics. He only makes one appearance that is more of a quick cameo than anything else. Instead, much of his history and legacy is shifted back to the original Lobo (Timeline), who now appears to have reclaimed his position as the DC Universe’s “real” Lobo. No real explanation is given for this switch.
Also be sure to view the Rebirth era of our “Lobo Reading Order“.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps
When the Green and Yellow Lanterns visit Larfleeze’s lair, they find a number of strange items among Larfleeze’s collection of oddities. One of these items is actually Lobo, who is stuck in some sort of containment field. He is not released from his prison but Hal Jordan clearly recognizes him.
Lobo’s involvement in this story is told in issue #12 of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1. This issue is collected in Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2: Bottled Light.