Lobo Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Lobo Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Lobo’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with his “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. Lobo was completely reintroduced to this universe with all of his previous history wiped away. He was brought back in the Deathstroke comic series but still did not have a large role in the DC Comics landscape. He was a minor character in other books but didn’t have a significant until later, when the Rebirth era began.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Lobo Reading Order“.
Deathstroke: Lobo Hunt

Decades ago, Lobo was transporting a shipment of slaves when his ship was attacked by pirates and crash landed on Earth. He was quickly captured and imprisoned by a clandestine Company. The slaves aboard the ship escaped and started lives on Earth. Years later, descendants of these slaves call themselves Omegas and work for the same Company.
Now, Lobo has mysteriously escaped. He made his way to his old ship, where he plans on detonating a bomb that will destroy the entire planet. In response, the Company has hired Deathstroke to work with the Omegas in order to stop him. The two groups converge at Lobo’s old ship, where he is about to set the bomb and leave Earth.
Once the two groups begin to fight, it is revealed that one of the Omegas freed Lobo. He planned to kill Lobo in the very same ship where Lobo imprisoned the Omegas’ parents. However, Lobo quickly defeats the young Omega. Eventually, Lobo is bested by Deathstroke, who blows up Lobo and his space-motorcycle.
This storyline extends through issues #9-12 of Deathstroke Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt (Review).
Stormwatch: Reset
The Kollective, a group of super-powerful beings, reset the entire universe in order to suit their enigmatic goals. However, Stormwatch realizes that the universe has been altered and begins to hunt down those responsible for it. The Kollective tap into the dark power within Lobo to further their plan but are stopped by Stormwatch.
Lobo is then forcefully recruited by Stormwatch. They load his cells with nanotechnology so that Lobo cannot escape them. He then proceeds to help them face their next enemy.
At the end of this saga, the universe is reset back to its original condition.
Lobo’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #19-26 of Stormwatch Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Stormwatch Vol. 4: Reset (Review).
Red Hood and the Outlaws: The Big Picture
On Earth, the Tamaranean ship used by Red Hood and the Outlaws, is stolen by criminals, lead by Lobo. They retrofit the ship to carry weaponized nanobots, which have the ability to wipe out an entire planet. Lobo extends the weapon’s capabilities by claiming he can use it to create a black hole, whose energy he can then harness into an “extinction-causing, planet-leveling, radioactive-as-hell gamma beam.” He and his underlings plan on selling the weapon to the highest bidder.
However, their plan is thwarted by Arsenal (Timeline), who reprograms the nanobots to essentially teleport Lobo and his crew off the ship. Lobo is disappointed that he won’t have his ultimate weapon but sees possibility in selling Arsenal’s reprogramed nanotech.

Meanwhile, Lobo’s actions are noticed by the New 52 version of Lobo, who is not happy.
Lobo’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #30-31 of Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 5: The Big Picture (Review).
Lobo is eventually tracked down by the New 52 version of Lobo. The New 52 version defeats Lobo in combat and, seemingly, kills him.
Lobo’s involvement in this storyline is told in issue #1 of Lobo Vol. 3. This issue is collected in Lobo Vol. 1: Targets (Review).
Coming Soon.