Legion Lost Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Legion Lost Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with their “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with their “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
Jump to: New 52
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted in the Flashpoint event. Because of their time-traveling nature, the Legion of Super-Heroes seemed to have survived this continuity wipe relatively unaffected. However, Flashpoint affects the Legion’s ability to travel through time, causing one group of Legionnaires to become stuck in the past. This group becomes known as Legion Lost.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Legion Lost Reading Order“.
Run From Tomorrow
Chameleon Girl, Dawnstar, Gates, Tellus, Timber Wolf, Tyroc, and Wildfire are on a mission to apprehend Alastor Faud, a criminal from the future. Alastor has retreated to the past to spread a genetic virus designed to mutate its host. The Legion members are able to apprehend him but he mutates while in their Time Bubble, destroying it.
These now stranded Legion members continue their hunt for Alastor while also attempting to cure humans who are infected by his virus. In the process of doing so, Timber Wolf and Chameleon Girl are captured by the government. However, the rest of the Legion quickly set them free.
Accepting that they might not be able to return home for a while, the Legion Lost decide to continue their hunt for Alastor while continuing to help any people they meet along the way.
This storyline extends through issues #1-7 of Legion Lost Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Legion Lost Vol. 1: Run From Tomorrow (Review).

The Culling
While settling down in their temporary New York City base, the stranded Legionnaires are attacked by the N.O.W.H.E.R.E., a shady organization that has been capturing teenaged metahumans. They are then brought to the Crucible, an underground arena where teenaged metahumans are forced to fight to the death. However, the Legion members refuse to accept this fate and team up with the Teen Titans to break everyone out of the Crucible.
While doing so, both groups come into direct conflict with Harvest, the leader of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Harvest mocks the Legion of Super-Heroes and tells them a lot about his master plan. He claims to be responsible for their presence in the past, he tells them that Alastor’s virus has lost its power, and also implies that he is from the future as well. While Harvest taunts them, it is revealed that Chameleon Girl has secretly been working for Echo, a clandestine organization from the future that has its own unique agenda.
Though the Legion and the Teen Titans are unable to defeat Harvest, they manage to set all the prisoners free and destroy the Crucible. On their way out, the Legion members come across Harvest’s Time Bubble and use it to escape.
The Legion Lost’s involvement in this storyline extends though issues #8-9 of Legion Lost Vol. 2, issue #9 and annual #1 of Teen Titans Vol. 4, and issue #9 of Superboy Vol. 6. These issues are collected in The Culling: Rise of the Ravagers (Review). See our Culling Reading Order for more details.

A Prophecy Of Death
The Legionnaires use a Time Bubble to return to the 31st century but find it a total dystopia. They deduce that Harvest manipulated the Bubble and return to the present.
In the present, the Legionnaires, once again, run afoul of the government. This time, Timber Wolf is shot by government assassins. In addition, Alastor has now gained the ability to possess people’s bodies and is using it to take down the Legion. The Legion, including the freshly recovered Timber Wolf, is forced to team up with the government to fight Alastor. Eventually, Wildfire tricks Alastor into taking over his body, which is inorganic and immune to Alastor’s influence. Wildfire then destroys Alastor by flying through the Sun.
While all of this is going on, Timber Wolf also reveals that Echo is a “top secret division of the Science Police” that protects important witnesses by mind-wiping them and securing them in the past.
This storyline extends through issues #10-12 of Legion Lost Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Legion Lost Vol. 2: The Culling (Review).
Captain Adym, a member of the Science Police and officer of Echo, arrives in the middle of the Arizona desert in a Time Bubble. Though the Legion believes he is there to bring them back to the future, he explains that he is there to solve a breakpoint in the timestream.
Almost immediately after this happens, Lord Daggor, an immensely powerful alien, reaches Earth on the back of his equally powerful space-dragon. He challenges the Legion of Super-Heroes to a fight and proves to be more than capable of defeating each of them. Daggor then activates some sort of doomsday device within the Earth, hastening the planet’s upcoming doom. In response, the Legion receives help from the Ravagers and the villainous Harvest. However, they still appear unable to defeat Daggor.
Realizing the hopelessness of their situation, Captain Adym suggests a plan that involves the detonation of a singularity bomb. This will likely kill Daggor but will also obliterate half the continent. The Legion completely refuses to accept this plan; Chameleon Girl even ignores Adym’s orders, despite the fact that he is technically her real boss. However, Harvest is fine with the sacrificial plan and helps Adym get the singularity bomb ready. Luckily, Gates is able to open a portal to a distant star that absorbs Daggor, the doomsday device, and the singularity bomb.
At the end of the day, the Legion members are still stuck in the past but the Earth is safe once more.
This storyline extends through issues #0 and #13-16 of Legion Lost Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Legion Lost Vol. 2: The Culling (Review).
Justice League United: The Infinitus Saga
The Justice League United and the Legion of Super-Heroes are faced with a threat that has the potential to destroy the entire universe. While squaring off against this threat, the Justice League United is nearly overwhelmed and reinforcements are unable to reach them. However, Brainiac 5 calls in the Legion Lost for help, referring to them as their “away team” trapped in the past.
The Legion Lost helps stop the Infinitus threat and save the universe. Their role mostly plays out in the background of larger events but their help proves to be invaluable. In addition, at the end of this storyline, it appears that the Legion Lost reunites with the rest of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
The Legion Lost’s involvement in this storyline extends though issues #6-10 of Justice League United Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Justice League United Vol. 2: The Infinitus Saga (Review).