Lana Lang Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Lana Lang Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Lana’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with Lana’s “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. Lana Lang’s history is completely wiped out, though her status as Superman’s childhood friend remains. She meets back up with Superman about halfway through the New 52 and is involved with his life from that point onward.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Lana Lang Reading Order“.
What Lies Beneath
The storyline starts with a flashback to the moment Lana Lang left Smallville, and her friend Clark Kent, behind. Years later, she is working as an engineer on a ship that is caught in a storm. She is able to fix the engine but the boat still does not have enough power to make it to safety. Luckily, Clark Kent, who is just starting his career as Superman, is there to push the boat to safety, though Lana does not see him do so.
In the present, Lana is in Venezuela working as an electrical engineer for a non-profit that is trying to build a drilling rig to tap a mysterious new source of geothermal energy. Suddenly, the drilling unleashes some sort of underground monster, which Superman shows up to save her from. Then, the two dive into the drill site, where they discover an underground civilization powered by balls of seemingly endless energy. However, they quickly discover that the energy comes from living creatures, which are sacrificed in the process. Superman tries to rescue them but the operation goes haywire and he is forced to close off the entrance to the underground world.
Along the way, Lana realizes that Clark Kent is not the young man she once knew. Many of his mannerisms are the same but their relationship has clearly changed. They are no longer the best friends they once were.
This storyline extends through issues #25-29 of Action Comics Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Action Comics Vol. 5: What Lies Beneath (Review).
Superman: Doomed
When everyone in Smallville, including Lana’s parents, mysteriously falls into a coma, Lana goes to investigate. Eventually, Superman discovers that the comas were the first step in Brainiac’s attack on the world. To help stop Brainiac and save her parents, Lana teams up with John Henry Irons. These two fight the Cyborg Superman in space and are on the Justice League’s Watchtower when it is attacked. Lana is also instrumental in analyzing Brianiac’s attack patterns so that the heroes can find a way to stop him, which impresses John. Before being taken over by Brainiac’s mind control, Lana urges Superman to kill Brainiac.
After Superman puts Brainiac in a black hole, the rest of the world is freed from his mind control. Unfortunately, Lana’s parents died before the attack ends. Lana ends the volume by introducing Superman to her new boyfriend, John Henry Irons.
Lana’s involvement in the “Superman: Doomed” storyline extends through Superman Doomed #1-2, Superman/Wonder Woman #10-11, Superman/Wonder Woman Annual #1, and Action Comics Vol. 2 #31-35 (See our “Superman: Doomed Reading Order” or our “Lana Lang Reading Order” for more information). These issues are collected in Superman: Doomed (Review).
Under the Skin
It has been weeks since Lana’s parents died, yet they still haunt her nightmares. She moved back to Smallville to help with the recovery effort and is currently living in her childhood home with her boyfriend, John Henry Irons. Then, one day, a mysterious mist descends on the town.
A being from the Phantom Zone appears in Smallville and begins feasting on the city’s collective fear. To bring out this fear, it resorts to drastic measures, like digging up and possessing both Lana and Superman’s parents. Eventually, the monster kidnaps Lana and uses her as bait to draw in Superman. He manages to free Lana by overloading the monster with his own intense fears. This action saves the day and the city of Smallville seems to be at peace once more. Lana also forgives Clark for not being able to save her parents.
This storyline extends through issues #36-39 of Action Comics Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Action Comics Vol. 7: Under the Skin (Review).
Dark Truth
Sometime after Superman lost his powers, the government kidnapped a number of his friends and allies in order to get his attention. Lana Lang was among those kidnapped. Lana’s role in this story is minimal but she does express that she still thinks Superman should have saved her parents. She also punches Lois Lane in the face as revenge for revealing Superman’s identity. Lana’s involvement in this storyline ends when Superman saves all the prisoners.
Lana’s involvement in the “Dark Truth” storyline extends through Superman Vol. 3 #18 and #20-22. These issues are collected in Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Dark Truth (Review).
Savage Dawn
The first half of Lana’s appearances in “Savage Dawn” show her preparing a new armor with John Henry Irons. This armor allows Superman, who is currently without powers, to hold his own against Vandal Savage’s forces. The second half of Lana’s appearances in “Savage Dawn” show her captured by Vandal and, eventually, saved by Superman.
Lana’s involvement in the “Savage Dawn” storyline extends through Superman Vol. 3 Annual #3, Superman Vol. 3 #49, and Action Comics Vol. 2 #48 & #50. These issues are collected in Superman: Savage Dawn (Review).

The Final Days of Superman
When Superman learns he is dying, one of the first things he does is tell Lana. She is crushed by the news and insists there must be something he can do. Unfortunately, like everyone else, she eventually accepts that Clark will soon die.
She is with him and a group of his closest friends when he finally passes away. As he dies, a bolt of red energy extends from his body and strikes both Lana Lang and Lois Lane.
This storyline extends through issues #51-52 of Superman Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Superman Vol. 2: Return to Glory (Review) or Superman: The Final Days of Superman (Review).
Rebirth signals a new era in DC Comics, though continuity remains unaltered. Lana Lang’s story here is a near direct continuation of her New 52 story. The start of Rebirth simply provides a nice jumping on point for new readers.
Also be sure to view the Rebirth era of our “Lana Lang Reading Order“.
Superman: Rebirth
In the prelude to a new generation of Superman stories, Lana Lang is found removing Superman’s body from its resting place in Metropolis. She plans to fulfill a promise to him by moving it back to Smallville. While there, she meets the pre-Flashpoint Superman, who wants to take his body to the Fortress of Solitude to regenerate it. Unfortunately, when they reach the Fortress, they find it is unable to bring him back to life. The duo return to Smallville and finish burying post-Flashpoint Superman.
This storyline is found in Superman: Rebirth #1. This issue is collected in Superman Vol. 1: Son of Superman (Review).

Who Killed Superwoman?
Lana now has superpowers, gained from the energy released when the post-Flashpoint Superman died. Her new friend, Lois Lane, also gained powers from the same event and the two trained for a while at Lana’s farm. Now, Lana works as a “talking head” for a tech company and fights crime with Lois on the side. However, on one of the duo’s first missions, Lois is killed. Now, Lana has to investigate Lois’s death while also experiencing hallucinations where Lois is still alive and speaking to her.
It turns out that Lois’s killer was Lena Luthor, who is now attempting to take over the world. She starts with Metropolis, which she encloses in Hypercubes, strange devices designed to imprison things outside traditional time. Lana teams up with John Henry Irons, his niece, and his niece’s significant other to stop Lena. She defeats Lena in a climactic final battle but passes out from the effort.
This storyline extends through issues #1-7 of Superwoman. These issues are collected in Superwoman Vol. 1: Who Killed Superwoman? (Review).
Welcome to the Planet
Sometime in the middle of the “Who Killed Superwoman?” storyline, Lana makes an appearance over in the Action Comics series (see our “Lana Lang Reading Order” for more details). While there, she meets with the pre-Flashpoint versions of Lois Lane and Clark Kent. They talk and find a message from the post-Flashpoint Lois Lane, which finally convinces Lana that she is really gone.
Lana’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #965-966 of Action Comics Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Action Comics Vol. 2: Welcome to the Planet (Review).
Superman: Reborn
This portion of “Superman: Reborn” is essentially a direct continuation of the conclusion to the “Who Killed Superwoman?” story arc. It has Steel approach Superman for help regarding Lana’s current situation. The two heroes transport Lana to the Fortress of Solitude, where they put her in Krypton Battle Armor to heal her wounds. Lana is unconscious for this entire event.
Lana’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #973-974 of Action Comics Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Superman: Reborn (Review).
Lana is still unconscious after her battle with Lena Luthor. However, due to the universe altering events taking place in Superman: Reborn (Review), the red energy powering her body leaves her and returns to Superman. She wakes up in fine health but without powers.
However, she soon discovers that her old power armor somehow retained some of her former abilities. She uses this to fight a new villain who is threatening members of John Henry Iron’s family. She defeats the villain and also discovers that her armor was only enhancing her abilities and that her powers never actually left her. While all of this is going on, Lana is dealing with anxiety and relationship problems.
This storyline extends through issues #8-12 of Superwoman. These issues are collected in Superwoman Vol. 2: Rediscovery (Review).

The Midnight Hour
Unsure of the origin behind her powers, Lana Lang looks into her past with Red Kryptonite to discover if it had an effect on her. She learns it did not. She then discovers that her powers actually never changed and that they came from Superman from the start. Along the way, she teams up with Supergirl to fight a villain named Maxima.
After this, a mysterious being begins opening up portals throughout Metropolis and stealing people, including John Henry Irons. Superwoman learns that this being, now called Midnight, is a computer program given life by her battle with Lena Luthor. Midnight seeks to absorb Lana’s power so that she can free Lena. However, Midnight quickly rejects her programing and seeks to absorb Lana’s power so that she may gain a body of her own. Lana lets Midnight take her power but also shows her how important life is, so Midnight sacrifices herself in order to imprison Lena Luthor forever. Lana concludes the storyline ready to face her future, even though she no longer has powers.
This storyline extends through issues #13-18 of Superwoman. These issues are collected in Superwoman Vol. 3: The Midnight Hour (Review).