Justice League of America (Rebirth Version) Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Justice League of America (Rebirth Version) Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with the League’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with the League’s “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
After the events of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, Batman decides to create a new Justice League of America. He bases this team around the idea that the world needs a version of the Justice League that is filled with “mortals, not gods”. The team’s roster consists of Batman, Killer Frost, Black Canary, Lobo, the Atom, the Ray, and Vixen. This team goes on to have a number of adventures right up until the Justice League: No Justice event.
Also be sure to view our “Justice League of America (Rebirth Version) Reading Order“.
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
Maxwell Lord attempts to take over the world by taking over the minds of various super-powered individuals, one of whom is Lobo. Batman is able to free Lobo from Lord’s control, causing Lobo to tell Batman that he owes him. Later on, Lord’s plan is ultimately stopped by Killer Frost, a member of Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad.
All of this inspires Batman to form a new Justice League, one that will be more grounded and not formed from godlike individuals. To start out, he extends membership on this new League to both Lobo and Killer Frost.
This storyline extends through issues #1-6 of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad (Review) (Reading Order).
Justice League of America: The Road to Rebirth
Ryan Choi is a college student studying under Professor Ray Palmer. Eventually, Ray reveals that he is the Atom, a superhero with the ability to shrink down to microscopic sizes. Ryan serves as the Atom’s partner, directing him on missions. This all changes when the Atom gets lost in the Microverse. He leaves Ryan his size-changing belt and Ryan takes up the mantel of the Atom.
In the past, Mari McCabe watched as her mother and father will killed by her uncle, who wanted to gain possession of the Tantu Totem, a powerful artifact that allows the user to channel the power of any animal. In the present, she is a model, reality television star, animal activist, and philanthropist. However, when a young girl’s mother goes missing, she is forced to take matters into her own hands. She rescues the woman using the Tantu Totem and decides to start using her powers as a force for good.
Ray Terrill grew up believing he was deathly allergic to light. Because of this, his mother kept him indoors at all times and treated him with hostility. However, when he was older, he discovered that light actually gave him superpowers rather than killing him. He went on to use these powers to explore the world and save the life of his childhood friend, Caden.
Caitlin Snow is typically driven by her desire to feed off the heat of living bodies, which is what caused her to be placed on Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad. However, after helping to save the world in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad (Review), she is being released so that she can join Batman’s new team of crimefighters. Amanda Waller does not believe she can go without killing people though and decides to test her before releasing her from prison. Caitlin passes all of Waller’s tests and is finally released.
This storyline extends through issues Justice League Of America: Atom Rebirth #1, Justice League Of America: Vixen Rebirth #1, Justice League Of America: Ray Rebirth #1, and Justice League Of America: Killer Frost Rebirth #1. These issues are collected in Justice League of America: The Road to Rebirth (Review) or in Justice League of America: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1.

Justice League of America: Rebirth
Batman begins putting together a team consisting of Killer Frost (now simply going by “Frost”), Black Canary, Lobo, the Atom, the Ray, and Vixen. He tells them all that the goal here is to develop a superhero team made of more grounded heroes, not the near-gods that exist on the main Justice League (Timeline). He also states that he needs them all to fend off a threat that is coming. All of them agree to the idea, though they don’t necessarily get along with one another.
This story is told in Justice League of America: Rebirth #1. This issue is collected in Justice League of America Vol. 1: The Extremists (Review) or in Justice League of America: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1.
Justice League of America: The Extremists
Multiple superpowered villains, called the Extremists, suddenly appear in Saratoga, NY. Their leader, Lord Havok, claims to be from a universe where society fell apart because it lacked control. As a result he has decided to invade this universe and bring it under his total control which, in his eyes, would save it. He also claims that his power comes from a mysterious being known as the Might Beyond the Mirror.
However, this puts him in direct conflict with the Justice League of America. The League goes head to head with Havok and his warriors but they escape to the country of Kravia. Once there, Havok takes over the government and bends the people to his will.
The JLA decide to fight Havok by empowering a rebel group of Kravians who have been hiding near the country’s border. With these rebels, the League manages to take down the Extremists (though one of them, Dreamslayer, chooses to give up his cause rather than being beaten). As a result, the rebel group retakes the government and Lord Havok is put in prison.
In a flashback to the Extremists homeworld, a battle between the Extremists and the universe’s heroes is shown. One of the heroes, Blue Jay, is shrunk down smaller than he has ever shrank before, leaving him in an unknown dimension.
This storyline extends through issues #1-4 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 1: The Extremists (Review) or in Justice League of America: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1.
Justice League of America: Heart of a Bastich
The Justice League of America discovers that Penn City, a small town in Pennsylvania, has been taken over by Nikos Aegeus. This villain is using the city to manufacture an arsenal of magic weapons which he is then selling to the highest bidder. His plan was inspired by his hatred of order and is powered by a vision from a mysterious being known as the Might Beyond the Mirror.
The JLA storms the city and immediately begins fighting Aegeus’s forces. However, Aegeus’s weapons are powerful and are even able to temporarily poison Lobo, until the Ray rips out Lobo’s heart, which dispels the poison. His forces even cause Frost to temporarily lose control and break off a soldier’s arm. Yet the JLA are still able to prevail and the Atom knocks out Aegeus with a devastating punch.
In the aftermath, the JLA ensures the people of Penn City that they will be provided for in the future. In addition, they take in Xenos, a man who was forced to build Aegeus’s weapons but has now agreed to design tech for the JLA. Frost also tells Black Canary that she may have found a cure for her heat-sickness.
This storyline extends through issues #5-6 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 1: The Extremists (Review) or in Justice League of America: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1.
Justice League of America: Terrorstrike
Frost and the Atom go to a museum to investigate if a frozen fossil might help cure Frost’s heat-sickness. Unfortunately, the investigation provides no results.
While they are there, a man with magic powers tries to steal something from the museum. He has the ability to turn people into their worst fear and was inspired by the Might Behind the Mirror to obtain an artifact that will make his power even stronger. However, he is unable to stop Frost, since she is already the living embodiment of her own worst fear. Because of this, Frost is able to stop him.
In the aftermath, Frost and Black Canary talk. Black Canary tells Frost that she notices a growing romance between Frost and the Atom. Frost says that even if there were something there, her heat-sickness would prevent her from telling the Atom about it.
This story is told in issue #7 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. This issue is collected in Justice League of America Vol. 2: Curse of the Kingbutcher (Review) or in Justice League of America: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1.
Justice League of America: The Man from Monster Valley
An organization called S.K.U.L.L. has just infiltrated an excluded valley where a young man, named Makson, has been raised by monsters his whole life. Though the Justice League of America is able to stop them, they arrive too late to save Makson’s adoptive “parents”. Afterwards, they reintroduce Makson to society, where he learns that he is the heir to a fortune.
As a result, Makson hosts a gathering where he will be able to meet every member of his new family. However, Batman doubts his motives and starts an investigation. They discover that S.K.U.L.L. was funded by Makson’s family to find and kill Makson, thus allowing the rest of the family to take his fortune. Makson discovered this and is using his gathering to kill his new family. Luckily, he is stopped by the JLA, who return Makson to the wild and imprison the people responsible for the attempt on his life.
Meanwhile, Ray and a few others begin to doubt Batman’s intentions with the JLA. Also, Lobo says he noticed the Atom flirting with Frost, though the Atom denies this.
This storyline extends through issues #8-9 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 2: Curse of the Kingbutcher (Review).
Justice League of America: Curse of the Kingbutcher
In the Ray’s hometown, numerous people are visited by the Might Beyond the Mirror in their dreams. When they wake up, the Might has granted a wish for them. Unfortunately, this has caught the attention of the Lords of Order, who have sent the Kingbutcher to undo these wishes.
Most of the Justice League of America arrives to put a stop to the Kingbutcher. He tries to convince them that what he is doing is right and even shows the Ray that the Ray’s mother has wished for a new family. However, the League refuses to back down and disrupts the Kingbutcher’s connection to reality, sending him back to the dimension of the Lords of Order. There the Lords of Order continue to worry about the Might Beyond the Mirror’s growing strength.
While this is happening, the Atom and Frost continue trying to find a cure for Frost’s heat sickness. Though they are unsuccessful in doing this, the Atom’s computer finally succeeds in finding where Ray Palmer has gone.
This storyline extends through issues #10-11 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 2: Curse of the Kingbutcher (Review).
Justice League of America: Panic in the Microverse
The Atom, Frost, Lobo, and Batman descend into the Microverse to find Ray Palmer. Once there, they are approached by a woman named Preon, who claims to have been working with Ray Palmer. She explains that the Microverse is dying and that she, Ray, and a scientist named Aron Aut were looking for a way to save it. Later, Aron Aut shows up and freezes Preon in time, claiming she was a traitor and a liar.
When the JLA and Aron eventually rediscover Ray Palmer, he explains that Aron Aut was actually the real traitor. Aron accompanied Ray and Preon on their mission to discover the source of the Microverse’s collapse only to turn on Ray once they discovered it. Aron is secretly part of a doomsday cult attempting to accelerate the death of the Microverse and was using Ray to advance his goals.
In the present, both Atoms and the rest of the JLA fight and eventually defeat Aron. They are also able to stop the death of the Microverse and, consequently, the death of the entire Multiverse. Ray Palmer decides to stay in the Microverse to continue to repair the damage there and also to be with his new love, Preon. Before departing, he tells the League that the near-death of the Microverse was not an accident, someone caused it (the artwork implies that this someone is Dr. Manhattan).
During all of these events in the Microverse, Frost and the Atom have their first kiss. In addition, at one point, Frost loses control of her powers and accidentally kills a few villains, which Lobo witnesses.
Outside of the Microverse, the rest of the JLA fights a man named Afterthought. They are unable to defeat him and he is later seen meeting with a villain named Prometheus.
This storyline extends through issues #12-17 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 3: Panic in the Microverse (Review).
Justice League of America: Dolphin-Safe
Lobo has been working with the Justice League of America for a while, primarily because Batman has promised him something in return. Now, Batman delivers on his promise and tells Lobo the secret homeworld of the Space Dolphin race. What Lobo didn’t tell Batman is that someone has been killing Space Dolphins on their homeworld and that he plans on going to this secret planet and killing this man.
Black Canary accompanies Lobo on this trip and the two quickly reach their destination. Once there, they find that a Czarnian is killing the dolphins to get back at Lobo for killing his home planet. He knows that dolphins are the only creatures Lobo cares about and, thus, wants to hurt Lobo by hurting them. However, Lobo and Black Canary are able to defeat this villain and set the dolphins free.
Lobo considers staying on this planet but Black Canary threatens to kill him if he doesn’t return to Earth and help the JLA face the Might Beyond the Mirror.
This story is told in annual #1 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. This issue is collected in Justice League of America Vol. 4: Surgical Strike (Review).
Justice League of America: Surgical Strike
The members of the JLA are being interviewed by a mysterious individual who begins to sow doubt among the members, something that is easier now that Batman is gone (due to his involvement in Dark Nights: Metal (Review)). In the Ray, this doubt becomes so pronounced that he storms off and effectively quits the team.
Once this happens, it is revealed that the interviewer was actually the villainous Prometheus, whose latest goal is to destroy the JLA. He hacks the JLA’s base and seals everyone inside. He then subdues Frost and the Atom. Meanwhile, Afterthought severely injures Black Canary and nearly defeats Lobo.
Prometheus then begins talking to Vixen and threatens to kill her. However, while he does so, Black Canary is able to revive Frost, the Atom, and herself. The revived heroes are then able to take down Afterthought. Together, all of the heroes are able to defeat Prometheus.
In the aftermath of this attack, the JLA discuss how easily the Prometheus was able to sow doubt among the team. While discussing this, Lobo reveals that Frost killed people in the Microverse. The team is shocked to learn this and Frost feels worse than ever about her condition.
This storyline extends through issues #18-20 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 4: Surgical Strike (Review).
Justice League of America: The Light and the Warrior
The Ray has returned to Vanity, his hometown, where he resumes his role as the city’s protector. However, he quickly discovers that the city has a new protector, a super-powered woman named Aztek. Aztek chastises the Ray for leaving Vanity. Around the same time, Xenos chastises the Ray for leaving the JLA and decides to go back to them. Ray is left unsure what he should do.
Meanwhile, back at the JLA’s base, Frost has a dream where she is visited by the Might Beyond the Mirror. When she wakes, she discovers that her heat sickness has been cured.
This story is told in issue #21 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 4: Surgical Strike (Review).

Justice League of America: Deadly Fable
It is revealed that the Might Beyond the Mirror is an ancient monarch who was imprisoned by her own people. They did this because the Might’s rule was too harsh; she was only softened by her sister’s compassion. However, when she was imprisoned, her sister died of grief. Now, she believes that Caitlin Snow is the reincarnation of her dead sister and wants to rule the world alongside her. She showed Caitlin what her powers could do to the world and convinced her to accept a wish, which allowed the Might to break free of her imprisonment.
Now free, the Might easily defeats the JLA and puts them in chains. She then begins construction on a portal that will allow her to reach the realm of imagination, which she plans to conquer. However, upon activating the portal, its guardian, Promethea, appears and begins fighting the Might. This signals a change in the tide of battle, as the Ray rejoins the team and Vixen is able to channel the power of the JLA’s supporters. Then, Frost finally defeats the Might, an act that restores her heat sickness.
In the aftermath of the battle, Batman rejoins the team and tells them they have another world to save.
This storyline extends through issues #22-24 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 5: Deadly Fable (Review).
Milk Wars
On a higher dimension, a powerful corporation, called Retconn, attempts to sell the entire DC Universe to a potential client. In order to make the purchase more attractive, they attempt to homogenize the sensibilities of the universe by sanitizing many of the heroes. This results in brainwashed versions of the JLA and the Trinity that resemble society of the 1950s. In this reality, the JLA is the “Community League of Rhode Island” and their job is to police people’s actions to make sure they comply with their sensibilities.
Luckily, interference from the Doom Patrol helps break the JLA out of their spell. In addition, the actions of Mother Panic and Shade the Changing Girl help break Batman and Wonder Woman out of their spells. All of these characters are then brought together by Cave Carson to defeat Retconn. Together, they use Flex Mentallo, Crazy Jane, and Vixen’s powers to reboot reality and restore it back to how it was.
The Justice League of America’s role in this storyline extends through JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1 and Doom Patrol/JLA Special #1. These issues are collected in Milk Wars (Review).
Justice League of America: New Life and Death
Though the Might Beyond the Mirror is defeated, the Justice League of America’s headquarters is destroyed. Vixen leads the rebuilding effort and explains that the new building will also have a new purpose. In addition, the Ray’s new friend, Aztek, joins the team.
With the team back together, Batman explains that their next mission will involve bringing life back to Angor, homeworld of the Extremists and their leader, Lord Havok. For this mission, Batman teams up with Black Canary and Dreamslayer, a former enemy from the “Extremists” storyline.
Together, this group travels to Angor, where they meet the all-powerful Adjudicator. The Adjudicator tells them that he has the power to renew life to Angor but he will not, since the world is poisoned to its core. At this time, Lord Havok shows up and attempts to take Angor by force. However, Batman and Black Canary convince him that this will accomplish nothing. Instead, Havok and Dreamslayer sacrifice themselves so that Angor can reset with an act of mercy, something that will remove the malice poisoning the world. This selfless act works and life is restored to Angor.
Meanwhile, Lobo decides to leave the team, since he did what he needed to do. He and the Atom have one last moment of friendship and then the Main Man departs.
Elsewhere, Chronos, a time-traveling villain, decides to return to the past and bother his old enemy, Ray Palmer.
This storyline extends through issues #25-26 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 5: Deadly Fable (Review).
Justice League of America: Dawn of Time
Thousands of years before the present, a god landed on Earth and imbued the planet with the very idea of superheroes. This point of contact is what allowed superheroes to exist and is now buried underneath the JLA’s base. Chronos has learned this secret history and has decided to travel back in time and stop the god of superheroes before he is ever able to inspire the future.
To do so, Chronos storms the JLA’s base and easily dispatches the team. They follow him as he travels to the past but find he has already amassed an army there. Using this army, he holds off the JLA and manages to kill the god of superheroes. However, the Atom is able to steal Chronos’s time-controlling hourglass and send Chronos back to the present, where Lobo is waiting for him. After this, Aztek uses the hourglass to heal the god of superheroes’ wounds and bring him back to life. He is then able to make contact with the Earth and restore history to the way it once was.
The JLA then travel back to the present where they make a huge announcement. They decide to disband the JLA and become the Justice Foundation instead. This new group is set to become a “superhuman think tank” that will attempt to create medicines and technology to help push society into the future.
This storyline extends through issues #27-29 of Justice League of America Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Justice League of America Vol. 5: Deadly Fable (Review).
Justice League: Justice Lost
Internal problems have caused the Justice League (Timeline) to disband but a few of its members have agreed to join the JLA’s Justice Foundation. However, at the new group’s first meeting, no one shows up except Jessica Cruz and Vixen.
It is then revealed that most of the heroes invited to the Justice Foundation were distracted by the cataclysmic events taking place in Justice League: No Justice. This indicates that the heroes will continue to serve as heroes but it also seems to indicate that the Justice Foundation has ended before it began.
This story is told in issue #43 of Justice League Vol. 3. This issue is collected in Justice League Vol. 7: Justice Lost (Review).