Jericho Timeline
This timeline is heavily based on our “Jericho Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Jericho’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with his “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. Jericho’s initial appearance, in this new continuity, introduces him as a villain working against his father, Deathstroke. However, this story is retconned in the middle of the New 52, as Jericho’s second appearance presents him as a hero with an entirely different background.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Jericho Reading Order“.
Deathstroke: Resurrection Day

Jericho (Joseph Wilson) is a supervillain who’s goal is to kill his father and take over the world. To accomplish this goal, he uses his mind control powers to enslave a group of followers, including his brother, Grant (Timeline), and his mother, Adeline. He then uses his influence to get close to Majestic, an incredibly powerful superhero, who he then takes control of.
While in control of Majestic, Jericho is nearly able to defeat his father but is stopped when Majestic is knocked unconscious. With his plan ruined, Jericho grabs Grant Wilson (Timeline) and threatens to kill him unless Deathstroke allows them to escape. However, deeming Jericho too great a threat to the world, Deathstroke stabs through Grant into Jericho, apparently killing them both. Their bodies are both missing when A.R.G.U.S. agents reach the scene.
Jericho’s involvement in this storyline is teased in issues #0 and #13 of Deathstroke Vol. 2 and then extends through issues #19-20 of Deathstroke Vol. 2. These issues are collected in Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt (Review).
Deathstroke: Gods of War
Some time after the events of “Resurrection Day” Jericho reappears in a new Deathstroke comic series. His appearance here defies the “Resurrection Day” storyline and effectively erases it from continuity. This change in continuity is not directly explained by any specific event.
Sometime before this storyline began, Deathstroke accepted a mission to rescue his son, Jericho. Jericho was being held prisoner by the followers of Odysseus, Deathstroke’s father and Jericho’s grandfather. They performed experiments on Jericho, gave him powers, and, ultimately, used his life energy to bring Odysseus back from the dead. However, after freeing Jericho, Deathstroke seemingly killed Odysseus again. Jericho then used his own powers to teleport away.
In the present, Odysseus is back to life and wants to finish taking Jericho’s life energy. However, Rose Wilson, Jericho’s sister, reaches him first. She explains that she met someone who can help Jericho control his powers. Unfortunately, this person double crosses the siblings and leads Odysseus directly to them.
Luckily, Deathstroke arrives and immediately begins to fight Odysseus and his allies. He kills Odysseus and the situation calms down. Shortly after this happens, Jericho and Rose teleport away, unwilling to stay with their father.
Jericho’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #2-6 of Deathstroke Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Deathstroke Vol. 1: Gods of War (Review).
Deathstroke: Family Business
One of Deathstroke’s enemies, Lawman, tries to kill him by mind controlling his daughter, Rose Wilson. A large fight breaks out and Rose regains control over her mind. Then, Jericho shows up and takes a wounded Deathstroke and Rose away from the battle.
The group retreats to Ra’s al Ghul’s base, where Jericho has been hiding recently. They regroup for a moment and then go out to face Lawman and his people again. In the following battle, Lawman is almost defeated but is able to escape after taking over Rose’s mind again. Jericho is forced to violently severe the mental link between Rose and Lawman, freeing her from his control but also badly injuring her.
Ra’s al Ghul then arrives and offers to permanently protect Rose’s mind from Lawman, if Deathstroke and his children agree to work for him. They all agree and begin to regroup for another assault on Lawman and his people. This time, the assault works perfectly and Deathstroke is nearly able to kill his enemies. However, Ra’s al Ghul changes the plan and offers to spare the villains if they agree to work for him. Deathstroke is not happy with this plan and turns on Ra’s al Ghul.

However, the battle is cut short when Jericho reveals that Ra’s has been manipulating them. His cure for Rose was nothing more than a placebo; Rose was actually cured when Jericho severed the mental link. This means that their oath of allegiance was sworn on a lie, allowing them all to rescind their debt to Ra’s.
Now free from conflict, Deathstroke explains to his children that he has to separate himself from them, so that they can be free from his dangerous life. The trio hug and part ways.
This storyline extends through issues #17-20 of Deathstroke Vol. 3. These issues are collected in Deathstroke Vol. 4: Family Business (Review).
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