Bunker (Miguel Barragan) Timeline

This timeline is heavily based on our “Bunker (Miguel Barragan) Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Bunker’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with his “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
At the beginning of the New 52, Bunker is introduced to the world of comics. He immediately goes on to join the Teen Titans and plays a large role in all of their adventures. He stays with this team throughout his time in the New 52 era.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Bunker (Miguel Barragan) Reading Order“.

Teen Titans: It’s Our Right to Fight
Bunker is a teenaged metahuman with the ability to generate and control psionic bricks. He has just decided to leave his home in Mexico to seek out Red Robin, who has been posting warnings about a threat to all young metahumans. On his way into America, Bunker meets Red Robin and joins his team.
This new team is designed to counter N.O.W.H.E.R.E., a mysterious organization that has been kidnapping teenaged metahumans. The team’s actions soon cause N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to send one of their agents, Superboy, after them.
Superboy attacks Wonder Girl and the rest of the Teen Titans quickly join the fight. Eventually, Superboy defeats each member of the team but, after talking with Solstice (Timeline), decides to rebel against N.O.W.H.E.R.E. He leaves them all alive, though Kid Flash (Timeline) is badly injured.
The Teen Titans then go to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Red Robin works with an intern to save Kid Flash’s life. One of the supervillains incarcerated at S.T.A.R. Labs manages to escape. Bunker and Wonder Girl fight him and manage to get him back in his cell.
Once Kid Flash has recovered, the Teen Titans learn that Superboy has been recaptured by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and is going to be killed. Red Robin tries to convinces the team to go save him. They storm the facility where he is being kept and have some initial success. However, they are all eventually subdued by N.O.W.H.E.R.E.’s leader, Harvest.
Bunker’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #3-7 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: It’s Our Right to Fight (Review).

Teen Titans: The Culling
Bunker and the rest of the Teen Titans are now prisoners of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. They are each tortured by a metahuman named Omen, who has the power to look into their darkest secrets. She reveals that Wonder Girl is not a metahuman, she gets her powers from the mystical armor she wears. Once Omen is done torturing everyone, they are teleported to the Colony.
They quickly learn that the Colony is an underground location where teenaged metahumans are pitted against one another in a vicious battle royale. The winner becomes a Ravager, one of Harvest’s elite soldiers; the losers die. The Teen Titans team up with the Legion Lost (Timeline) to free the teenaged metahumans and battle Harvest. Though they are unable to defeat Harvest in a fight, they are able to start a cave-in that destroys the Colony.
Bunker’s involvement in this storyline is told through issues #8-9 of Teen Titans Vol. 4, Annual #1 of Teen Titans Vol. 4, issue #9 of Superboy Vol. 6, and issue #9 of Legion Lost Vol. 2. These issues are collected in The Culling: Rise of the Ravagers (Review).
Teen Titans: Saur Feelings
Bunker and the rest of the Teen Titans wake up on a mysterious island inhabited by dinosaurs. Together, they discover that Danny the Street is on this island with them. Danny uses the rest of his power to send the Teen Titans back to New York City.
This story is told in issue #10 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Culling (Review).
Teen Titans: The Origin of Wonder Girl
The Teen Titans have barely returned home when their headquarters is trashed by a villain. Wonder Girl is able to fight the villain off but her armor starts to malfunction. She ends up being completely overtaken by the armor and fights most of the Titans. Robin and Superboy take her away to help her regain control.
Meanwhile, Bunker and Kid Flash (Timeline) spend some time hanging out and having fun. Kid Flash tells Bunker that he likes Solstice (Timeline). Eventually, Wonder Girl and the others return and the team is back together again. However, they quickly discover that Red Robin has been kidnapped.
Bunker’s involvement in this storyline extends through issues #11, #12, and #14 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Culling (Review).
Teen Titans: Death of the Family
Desperate to find Red Robin, the Teen Titans go to Gotham City and reach out to the only contact he left them, Batgirl. She explains that the Joker has plunged the city into chaos and is likely to have taken Red Robin as well. She also gives them a list of locations where he might be found.
While searching these locations, Kid Flash (Timeline) accidentally kicks up a powder that Joker laid on the ground earlier. The powder causes a group of normal citizens to go crazy and begin attacking the Teen Titans. They are almost overwhelmed when Starfire (Timeline) and Arsenal (Timeline) show up and provide some help. Together, they are able to find an antidote to Joker’s toxin and save the people.
After the Joker is dealt with, Red Robin is able to regroup with the rest of the Titans. Though he initially believes they will be mad at him for endangering their lives, they are simply happy he is alright. Red Robin then brings them all to a massive yacht, which he says is their new headquarters. They are all excited about their new living situation and are ready to face the future.
At the very end of the night, Red Robin comes to talk to Solstice (Timeline). At first, their conversation is friendly but the two end up kissing, despite Solstice’s feelings for Kid Flash. Red Robin then leaves Solstice and visits Wonder Girl, who he also kisses. In another dimension, it is made clear that Red Robin’s actions are being influenced by the villainous Trigon, though the team is unaware of his influence.
This storyline extends through issues #15-17 of Teen Titans Vol. 4 and issue #16 of Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 3: Death of the Family (Review).
Teen Titans: Light and Dark
Red Robin lies to the rest of the Teen Titans to get them to agree to a mission against the Suicide Squad. The mission gets Amanda Waller to leave the Titans alone but creates some distrust in Robin’s leadership.
Shortly after recovering from this mission, the Teen Titans enter a battle against the demon overlord Trigon, who has sent his sons to begin an invasion of Earth. The Titans are able to beat his sons thanks, in part, to Raven, Trigon’s daughter. She has rebelled against her father and works with the Titans to fight his forces, bringing Beast Boy (Timeline) to help as well.
With his sons defeated, Trigon enters the battle himself. He takes over the minds of most of the team but Red Robin, Raven, and Beast Boy are able to overpower him.
In the aftermath, the Teen Titans agree to allow Raven and Beast Boy to join their team. However, Raven casually mentions that Trigon’s influence caused Red Robin to kiss Solstice (Timeline), something Kid Flash (Timeline) did not know. He barricades himself in his room out of anger, refusing to talk to anyone. While there, a portal opens up and someone from the future tries to grab Kid Flash and take him away.
This storyline extends through issues #18-22 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: Light and Dark (Review).
Teen Titans: Hello, I Must Be Going!
Kid Flash (Timeline) is nearly pulled into the future by unknown assailants but, with the help of his friends, he is able to break free. He explains to them that he believes he did something wrong and that this is why people are after him. However he cannot remember what he did. All of the Titans then agree to table the issue and simply take a break.
After this happens, Bunker and Beast Boy (Timeline) hang out for a bit. They talk for a moment but are interrupted when Bunker receives a phone call.
All of the Titans are then brought together for an announcement from Bunker. His boyfriend just woke up out of his coma and Bunker has decided to temporarily leave the Titans to go see him. Beast Boy also leaves, to make sure that Bunker is able to make it home alright.
This story is told in issue #23 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: Light and Dark (Review).
Teen Titans: Caught Up In Circles
In a flashback to before he became a Teen Titan, Bunker is praying for a sign from God about what he should do next. All of a sudden, Robin, who has been randomly traveling through the timestream, appears. He tells Bunker to join the Teen Titans and then is pulled back into the timestream. Bunker takes this as his sign.
This story is told in #24 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).
Teen Titans: The Trial of Kid Flash
While the rest of the Teen Titans were in the future, attending a trial for Kid Flash (Timeline), Bunker and Beast Boy (Timeline) returned to Bunker’s hometown. Bunker had a chance to reconnect with his boyfriend and everyone participated in a small celebration. However, the good times were short-lived, as an emergency forced Bunker and Beast Boy to return to the Teen Titan’s base.
Upon returning, they found the base under siege by criminals. They began to fight the villains and were soon joined by the rest of the Titans, who had returned from their adventures in the future. Together there were able to defeat the criminals, though the Titan’s boat was destroyed in the process.
Bunker’s role in this storyline extends through issues #29-30 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).
Teen Titans: Be Careful What You Wish For
In the aftermath of their base’s destruction, the Teen Titans find a piece of equipment that alerts them that Harvest has started another Colony. They use Danny the Street, who is alive again, to teleport to this Colony.
Once there, they discover a peaceful facility inhabited by all the metahumans who died in the Culling. They meet with Harvest, who tells them that he has seen the error of his ways.
After a short investigation, the Titans discover that Harvest is gathering the meta DNA of the facility’s inhabitants. He plans to use this DNA for his own nefarious purposes. However, the Teen Titans are able to overpower him and destroy the DNA. It is unclear if Harvest survived the destruction.
With Harvest taken care of, the Teen Titans all go their separate ways for a while. Bunker and Beast Boy (Timeline) begin to perform some heroics all on their own.
This story is told in annual #3 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).
Teen Titans: Blinded by the Light

At some point in time, Bunker, Wonder Girl, Red Robin, Beast Boy (Timeline), and Raven reform the Teen Titans. Together, they stop a bomber from attacking a S.T.A.R. Labs base. This gives them a lot of media attention, which Bunker uses to express some of his personal convictions.
Then, Bunker and Beast Boy are attacked by an advanced robot. They defeat it but it goes on to attack the other Titans as well. It turns out that a S.T.A.R. Labs employee, named Manchester Black, is controlling this robot in order to manipulate the Titans.
His plan comes to fruition when Robin “saves” him from the robot. He uses this opportunity to officially offer the Teen Titans a partnership with S.T.A.R. Labs, which Robin accepts.
This storyline extends through issues #1-4 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light (Review).
Teen Titans: Human Resources
The Teen Titans debate the offer to partner with S.T.A.R. Labs, as they are suspicious of Manchester Black’s motives. However, their debate is interrupted when a group of teenagers start rampaging through the city. The Teen Titans go in to stop them, where they are randomly joined by Tanya Spears. Tanya is a young girl who has recently received superpowers from Power Girl. Together, they are able to stop the teenaged villains.
After the fight, the new Power Girl tells the Titans that they are not being proactive enough against the villains in the city. Wonder Girl agrees and the two go off on their own for a bit. While on their own, Manchester Black approaches them and says that disaster is on the horizon. As he says this, a massive break-in occurs at S.T.A.R. Labs.
This storyline extends through issues #5-6 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light (Review).
Teen Titans: One Brief, Shining Moment
The Teen Titans and Manchester Black meet at S.T.A.R. Labs, where a massive break-in has just occurred. Manchester explains that the thieves are after a device that will allow them to “erase” an entire city and that they also have a device that can allow them to slow time. Suddenly, time stops for everyone but Raven and Beast Boy (Timeline), since Raven’s magic kept her safe and Beast Boy was able to change into a mayfly (an animal with a faster perception of time).
Raven and Beast Boy begin attacking the criminals. Raven is even able to use her magic to speed up the rest of the Teen Titans. Together, they stop the villains from erasing New York City.
In the aftermath, Robin express his fear that more weapons from S.T.A.R. Labs will be targeted by criminals, but Manchester Black tells him not to worry about it. Meanwhile, the rest of the Titans continue to deal with the effects of their newfound fame. This includes Bunker being offered his own reality show.
In addition, it is revealed that one of the villains from the S.T.A.R. Labs robbery has escaped.
This storyline extends through issues #7-8 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. Issue #8 is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light (Review) and issue #9 is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: Rogue Targets (Review).
Teen Titans: Rogue Targets
Superboy has mysteriously returned to the present and killed all of the people in a small town. While being interrogated for his crime, he states that he remembers nothing about the incident. It turns out that the people were alien refugees and the one of them, named Chimera, managed to survive the incident. She breaks him out of prison because she claims that he is innocent.
The Teen Titans are upset when they hear this news and even more upset when they discover that Superboy has taken refuge at their headquarters. Wonder Girl and Power Girl want to turn Superboy in to the police but the rest of the Titans want to protect him. The protective Titans leave the city and decide to prove Superboy’s innocence.
Meanwhile, Wonder Girl and Power Girl are recruited by the Elite, a group of young metahumans working for S.T.A.R. Labs under the direction of Manchester Black. This new group’s goal is to bring the Teen Titans to justice.
The two teams clash a few times but the Titans refuse to give up Superboy. Eventually, they all meet in a metahuman prison, where the Titans believe they can find more answers. There, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Red Robin, and Superboy reconcile but Superboy is lost to Harvest, who reappears here.
After this happens, Kid Flash (Timeline) and Wonder Girl discover that Manchester Black was using everyone in the Elite, so they turn against him. After making this discovery, it seems that they informally rejoin the Titans. Everything seems find until a mysterious being, going by the name Alpha Centurion, shows up and proclaims that the Titans are all under arrest.
This storyline extends through DC Sneak Peek: Teen Titans #1, annual #1, and issues #9-13 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: Rogue Targets (Review).
Teen Titans: The Sum of Its Parts
Shortly after being taken into custody, Bunker and the rest of the Teen Titans escape. After this happens, the Teen Titans head to Gotham City, where Red Robin deals with the events of Robin War (Review). While he does this, the rest of the Teen Titans are captured by Professor Pyg. Bunker is able to break them out but Pyg manages to steal some of Beast Boy’s (Timeline) blood, which he delivers to Brother Blood.
After leaving Gotham, the Teen Titans are attacked by a squad of aliens. They convince Chimera to return to her home planet. The event also inspires Kid Flash (Timeline) to go find Solstice (Timeline) again.
This storyline extends through issues #14-16 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Sum of Its Parts (Review).
Teen Titans: Who is Wonder Girl?
Bunker and the rest of the Teen Titans are still outlaws, after escaping custody in “The Sum of Its Parts”. They are trying to lay low but are unable to after Wonder Girl’s armor draws her to London. There, they meet Cassandra, Wonder Girl’s aunt. Cassandra tells Wonder Girl she is Zeus’s granddaughter and offers to help resurrect Wonder Girl’s father.
Cassandra’s offer turns out to be a lie. It turns out that she was only using Wonder Girl to gain an incredible power, which she plans to use for evil. However, with some help from Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and the rest of the Teen Titans are able to defeat Cassandra and stop her plans.
This storyline extends through issues #17-19 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Sum of Its Parts (Review).
Teen Titans: When Titans Fall
Bunker and the rest of the Teen Titans are still outlaws but they are also still trying to do good throughout the world. This leads them to fight The Brain and Monsieur Mallah, who they are able to easily defeat. However, this battle gets Amanda Waller’s attention and she kidnaps Red Robin in the aftermath of the fight.
Bunker and the rest of the Teen Titans quickly rescue Red Robin, which impresses Waller. In response, she wipes out their criminal records.
The Titans go on to fight and defeat the mind-controlling H.I.V.E. Queen and the villainous Sister Blood, who uses Beast Boy’s blood from “The Sum of Its Parts” to cause havoc.
This storyline extends through issues #20-23 and annual #2 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: When Titans Fall (Review).
Teen Titans: Red Robin: Remembrance
After Red Robin is presumed dead, the Teen Titans gather to remember him. They all share a heartwarming story about his life; Bunker tells them about the time Red Robin asked him for fashion advice and joined him in a Pride parade. They then decide to disband the Teen Titans and go their separate ways. Bunker takes Beast Boy (Timeline) to the airport but is unclear where his future will take him.
This story is told in issue #24 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: When Titans Fall (Review).
Bunker (Miguel Barragan) has yet to appear in the Rebirth era of DC Comics.