Beast Boy (Garfield Logan) Timeline

This timeline is heavily based on our “Beast Boy Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with his “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with his “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. All of Beast Boy’s past is wiped out and his history is left almost completely open. He starts the New 52 as a captive in “The Colony” with no memory of his life before his imprisonment. He goes on to become a core member of the Teen Titans and play a large role in their adventures.
About halfway through Beast Boy’s New 52 journey, his history is seemingly wiped again. At the beginning of Teen Titans Vol. 5, it appears Beast Boy’s involvement with “The Colony” is no longer cannon. In addition, he is now green, instead of red, and has a completely different family situation. This version of Beast Boy persists throughout the New 52 and into the Rebirth era.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Beast Boy Reading Order“.
The Culling
N.O.W.H.E.R.E., a mysterious organization with nefarious purposes, has recently been kidnapping young metahumans and experimenting on them, bringing their hidden abilities to the surface. The teenagers are then forced into an underground world called “The Colony”. There, they are forced to fight one another in battles designed to find the strongest young metahumans in the world.
Beast Boy is one of the young metahumans stuck in this prison. He has the ability to transform into any animal he wants. His only friend appears to be Terra Markov (Timeline), who he spends time with in the Colony.
This all changes when the Teen Titans and the Legion of Super-Heroes arrive in the Colony. They destroy the underground base and defeat Harvest, the Colony’s leader. This allows Beast Boy and a number of other prisoners to escape. They all leave the base hoping for a better life on the outside.
Beast Boy’s role in this storyline extends through issues #8-9 of Superboy Vol. 6, issue #9 of Legion Lost Vol. 2, and issue #9 and annual #1 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in The Culling: Rise of the Ravagers (Review).

The Ravagers: The Kids From N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
After leaving the Colony, Beast Boy and a group of other escapees end up somewhere in the wilds of Alaska. At first, no one, except Caitlin Fairchild, sees any point in sticking together. So Beast Boy and Terra Markov (Timeline) decide to strike out on their own.
However, Beast Boy’s connection to the animal world allows him to sense an evil plan from Brother Blood, a newly introduced villain. Blood is attempting to enter the animal life web, the same web that gives Beast Boy his powers. Beast Boy convinces Terra to help him stop Blood. The duo storm Blood’s base and find the rest of the Colony escapees there. They free them and destroy the base, leaving Blood’s fate unclear.
At this point, Terra and Beast Boy decide to start traveling with the rest of the group. Informally, this group goes by the name the Ravagers. They follow Caitlin Fairchild to a lab where she says they will be safe.
This storyline extends through issues #1-4 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 1: The Kids From N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (Review).
The Ravagers: Game Changer
At their new base, Beast Boy and the rest of the escapees discuss their future. They learn that teenaged metahumans are still being tracked down and captured, and they decide to do something about it. They all start training so they can use their powers to save others.
Their first trial comes when they attempt to save a young metahuman from being captured. They are immediately attacked by several N.O.W.H.E.R.E. operatives. They are able to beat the first two but the second two, Rose Wilson and Warblade, are more skilled. Their presence causes Terra (Timeline) to lose control of her emotions and she tries to kill Warblade, despite protests from the rest of her team. However, the villains are able to escape in the confusion, leaving the team worried about Terra’s new killer nature.
This storyline extends through issues #5-7 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 1: The Kids From N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (Review).
The Ravagers: Fathers
Beast Boy and the rest of the group come across Rose and Warblade reluctantly trying to cure a metahuman virus running rampant through a small town. Though Terra (Timeline) wants to kill them, the rest of the group convinces her to wait and see if the villains are able to stop the virus. The crisis is averted and the heroes and villains part ways.
This storyline extends through issues #8-9 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 2: Heavenly Destruction (Review).
The Ravagers: Day One
In the past, Beast Boy was a prisoner of N.O.W.H.E.R.E., where villainous agents worked to expose his metahuman powers. To accomplish this, they changed Beast Boy’s DNA on a cellular level. This exposed his powers but completely wiped his memory.
When testing these powers, Beast Boy formed an early friendship with another prisoner, named Terra Markov (Timeline). Together, the two showed a remarkable level of potential and impressed the organization’s leader, Harvest.
This story is told in issue #0 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 2: Heavenly Destruction (Review).

The Ravagers: Heavenly Destruction
Beast Boy and his new teammates finally have a moment of free time. Beast Boy and Terra (Timeline) use this moment to finally begin their romantic relationship, which has been building for quite a while now.
However, their free time is cut short when Deathstroke arrives at their base. Deathstroke is working for Harvest and is carrying a dagger that appears to set anything it touches ablaze. Deathstroke uses this dagger to “kill” a number of Beast Boy’s teammates. When he is about to use it to kill Beast Boy, Terra sacrifices herself instead and is immediately engulfed in flames. Though Beast Boy attempts to avenge her, the base’s roof collapses on top of him and he is left for dead. After everyone else leaves, Raven appears above Beast Boy and claims he will be necessary in her father’s latest plan.
Later, it is revealed that Deathstroke’s dagger was actually a teleporter, allowing him to bring all of his victims back to Harvest. As payment, he takes Rose Wilson and Terra Markov with him, claiming they will be useful in the future.
This storyline extends through issues #10-12 of The Ravagers Vol. 1. These issues are collected in The Ravagers Vol. 2: Heavenly Destruction (Review).
Teen Titans: Light and Dark
Trigon has invaded the Earth and is immediately opposed by the Teen Titans. Raven teleports Beast Boy into the battle, where she uses her powers to temporarily subdue the Titans. However, Raven soon rebels against her father and leads Beast Boy and the Teen Titans in a battle against him.
With his sons defeated, Trigon enters the battle himself. He takes over the minds of most of the team but Red Robin, Raven, and Beast Boy are able to overpower him.
In the aftermath, the Teen Titans agree to allow Raven and Beast Boy to join their team. However, while they are relaxing, a portal opens up and someone from the future tries to grab Kid Flash (Timeline).
Beast Boy’s role in this storyline extends through issues #19, #21, and #22 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: Light and Dark (Review).
Teen Titans: Hello, I Must Be Going!
Kid Flash (Timeline) is nearly pulled into the future by unknown assailants but, with the help of his friends, he is able to break free. The Teen Titans are confused as to why this happened but agree to table the issue and take a break for a while.
During this break Beast Boy and Bunker (Timeline) bond and Beast Boy expresses how happy he is to have a group of friends around him. While they are talking, Bunker discovers that his boyfriend just woke up out of a coma. Bunker decides to temporarily leave the Titans to go see him and Beast Boy decides to accompany Bunker on his trip.
This story is told in issue #23 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: Light and Dark (Review).
Teen Titans: The Trial of Kid Flash
While the rest of the Teen Titans were in the future, attending a trial for Kid Flash (Timeline), Beast Boy and Bunker (Timeline) returned to Bunker’s hometown. Bunker had a chance to reconnect with his boyfriend and everyone participated in a small celebration. However, the good times were short-lived, as an emergency forced Beast Boy and Bunker to return to the Teen Titan’s base.
Upon returning, they found the base under siege by criminals. They began to fight the villains and were soon joined by the rest of the Titans, who had returned from their adventures in the future. Together they were able to defeat the criminals, though the Titan’s boat was destroyed in the process.
Bunker’s role in this storyline extends through issues #29-30 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).
Teen Titans: Be Careful What You Wish For
In the aftermath of their base’s destruction, the Teen Titans find a piece of equipment that alerts them that Harvest has started another Colony. They use Danny the Street to teleport to this Colony.
Once there, they discover a peaceful facility inhabited by all the metahumans who died in the Culling. They meet with Harvest, who tells them that he has seen the error of his ways.
After a short investigation, the Titans discover that Harvest is gathering the meta DNA of the facility’s inhabitants. He plans to use this DNA for his own nefarious purposes. However, the Teen Titans are able to overpower him and destroy the DNA. It is unclear if Harvest survived the destruction.
With Harvest taken care of, the Teen Titans all go their separate ways for a while. Bunker and Beast Boy begin to perform some heroics all on their own.
This story is told in annual #3 of Teen Titans Vol. 4. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 5: The Trial of Kid Flash (Review).

Teen Titans: Blinded by the Light
With the beginning of this storyline, Beast Boy’s continuity is seemingly reset again. It appears his involvement with “The Colony” is no longer cannon, he is now green, and he has a completely different family situation.
At some point in time, Beast Boy, Bunker (Timeline), Wonder Girl, Red Robin, and Raven reform the Teen Titans. Together, they stop a bomber from attacking a S.T.A.R. Labs base. This gives them a lot of media attention.
Then, Beast Boy and Bunker are attacked by an advanced robot. They defeat it but it goes on to attack the other Titans as well. It turns out that a S.T.A.R. Labs employee, named Manchester Black, is controlling this robot in order to manipulate the Titans.
His plan comes to fruition when Robin “saves” him from the robot. He uses this opportunity to officially offer the Teen Titans a partnership with S.T.A.R. Labs, which Robin accepts.
This storyline extends through issues #1-4 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light (Review).
Teen Titans: Human Resources
The Teen Titans debate the offer to partner with S.T.A.R. Labs, as they are suspicious of Manchester Black’s motives. However, their debate is interrupted when a group of teenagers start rampaging through the city. The Teen Titans go in to stop them, where they are randomly joined by Tanya Spears. Tanya is a young girl who has recently received superpowers from Power Girl. Together, they are able to stop the teenaged villains.
After the fight, the new Power Girl tells the Titans that they are not being proactive enough against the villains in the city. Wonder Girl agrees and the two go off on their own for a bit. While on their own, Manchester Black approaches them and says that disaster is on the horizon. As he says this, a massive break-in occurs at S.T.A.R. Labs.
This storyline extends through issues #5-6 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light (Review).
Teen Titans: One Brief, Shining Moment
The Teen Titans and Manchester Black meet at S.T.A.R. Labs, where a massive break-in has just occurred. Manchester explains that the thieves are after a device that will allow them to “erase” an entire city and that they also have a device that can allow them to slow time. Suddenly, time stops for everyone but Raven and Beast Boy, since Raven’s magic kept her safe and Beast Boy was able to change into a mayfly (an animal with a faster perception of time).
Raven and Beast Boy begin attacking the criminals. Raven is even able to use her magic to speed up the rest of the Teen Titans. Together, they stop the villains from erasing New York City.
In the aftermath, Robin express his fear that more weapons from S.T.A.R. Labs will be targeted by criminals, but Manchester Black tells him not to worry about it. Meanwhile, the rest of the Titans continue to deal with the effects of their newfound fame. This includes Beast Boy hosting an episode of Comedy Night (a TV show that appears to be the DC Universe’s equivalent to Saturday Night Live).
In addition, it is revealed that one of the villains from the S.T.A.R. Labs robbery has escaped.
This storyline extends through issues #7-8 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. Issue #8 is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 1: Blinded by the Light (Review) and issue #9 is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: Rogue Targets (Review).
Teen Titans: Rogue Targets
Superboy has mysteriously returned to the present and killed all of the people in a small town. While being interrogated for his crime, he states that he remembers nothing about the incident. It turns out that the people were alien refugees and the one of them, named Chimera, managed to survive the incident. She breaks him out of prison because she claims that he is innocent.
The Teen Titans are upset when they hear this news and even more upset when they discover that Superboy has taken refuge at their headquarters. Wonder Girl and Power Girl want to turn Superboy in to the police but the rest of the Titans want to protect him. The protective Titans leave the city and decide to prove Superboy’s innocence.
Meanwhile, Wonder Girl and Power Girl are recruited by the Elite, a group of young metahumans working for S.T.A.R. Labs under the direction of Manchester Black. This new group’s goal is to bring the Teen Titans to justice.
The two teams clash a few times but the Titans refuse to give up Superboy. Eventually, they all meet in a metahuman prison, where the Titans believe they can find more answers. There, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Red Robin, and Superboy reconcile but Superboy is lost to Harvest, who reappears here.
After this happens, Kid Flash (Timeline) and Wonder Girl discover that Manchester Black was using everyone in the Elite, so they turn against him. After making this discovery, it seems that they informally rejoin the Titans. Everything seems fine until a mysterious being, going by the name Alpha Centurion, shows up and proclaims that the Titans are all under arrest.
This storyline extends through DC Sneak Peek: Teen Titans #1, annual #1, and issues #9-13 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 2: Rogue Targets (Review).
Teen Titans: The Sum of Its Parts
Shortly after being taken into custody, Beast Boy and the rest of the Teen Titans escape. After this happens, the Teen Titans head to Gotham City, where Red Robin deals with the events of Robin War (Review). While he does this, the rest of the Teen Titans are captured by Professor Pyg. Bunker (Timeline) is able to break them out but Pyg manages to steal some of Beast Boy’s blood, which he delivers to Brother Blood.
After leaving Gotham, the Teen Titans are attacked by a squad of aliens. They convince Chimera to return to her home planet. The event also inspires Kid Flash (Timeline) to go find his missing girlfriend.
This storyline extends through issues #14-16 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Sum of Its Parts (Review).
Teen Titans: Who is Wonder Girl?
Beast Boy and the rest of the Teen Titans are still outlaws, after escaping custody in “The Sum of Its Parts”. They are trying to lay low but are unable to after Wonder Girl’s armor draws her to London. There, they meet Cassandra, Wonder Girl’s aunt. Cassandra tells Wonder Girl she is Zeus’s granddaughter and offers to help resurrect Wonder Girl’s father.
Cassandra’s offer turns out to be a lie. It turns out that she was only using Wonder Girl to gain an incredible power, which she plans to use for evil. However, with some help from Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and the rest of the Teen Titans are able to defeat Cassandra and stop her plans.
This storyline extends through issues #17-19 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Sum of Its Parts (Review).
Teen Titans: When Titans Fall
Beast Boy and the rest of the Teen Titans are still outlaws but they are also still trying to do good throughout the world. This leads them to fight The Brain and Monsieur Mallah, who they are able to easily defeat. However, this battle gets Amanda Waller’s attention and she kidnaps Red Robin in the aftermath of the fight.
Beast Boy and the rest of the Teen Titans quickly rescue Red Robin, which impresses Waller. In response, she wipes out their criminal records.
The Titans go on to fight and defeat the mind-controlling H.I.V.E. Queen and the villainous Sister Blood, who uses Beast Boy’s blood from “The Sum of Its Parts” to cause havoc.
This storyline extends through issues #20-23 and annual #2 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. These issues are collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: When Titans Fall (Review).
Teen Titans: Red Robin: Remembrance
After Red Robin is presumed dead, the Teen Titans gather to remember him. They all share a heartwarming story about his life and Beast Boy expresses his belief that Tim Drake was the best of all the Robins. They then decide to disband the Teen Titans and go their separate ways. Beast Boy heads off to Los Angeles to get his acting career back on track.
This story is told in issue #24 of Teen Titans Vol. 5. This issue is collected in Teen Titans Vol. 4: When Titans Fall (Review).
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