Aquaman Timeline

This timeline is heavily based on our “Aquaman Reading Order“. Non-indented sections correspond with Aquaman’s “Essential” storyline while indented sections correspond with Aquaman’s “Extra” storyline. Make sure to check out our reading order here for more information.
New 52
With the beginning of the New 52, the DC Universe’s continuity was restarted. Aquaman’s history is mostly wiped out, though his relationship with Mera and his status as a past king of Atlantis are retained. His adventures in the new universe start by simply introducing him as a character but quickly evolve into more epic and dangerous situations.
Also be sure to view the New 52 era of our “Aquaman Reading Order“.
The Trench
This storyline introduces readers to Aquaman and Mera. We learn that Aquaman controls, but does not talk to, fish and that he has a strained relationship with Atlantis, where his brother is currently king. We also learn that Mera is able to control water and that she was once tasked with killing Aquaman, a mission she has long since abandoned. The duo is now attempting to start a new life on land.
“The Trench” also introduces a new enemy that Aquaman is forced to deal with. Creatures from an underwater trench rise up and threaten the surface world. Aquaman is able to defend the people on land and seal away the monsters.
This storyline extends through issues #1-6 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (Review) or the Aquaman by Geoff Johns Omnibus.
The Others
Large portions of this storyline are set in the past, where readers are introduced to “The Others”. The Others were a team lead by Aquaman years ago. Their biggest mission involved plundering an Atlantean Tomb, where they each obtained a powerful artifact, including Aquaman’s trident.
In the present, Aquaman’s arch-nemesis, Black Manta, is hunting down and killing members of The Others so that he can obtain their Atlantean artifacts. He uses their artifacts to find an even more powerful one, “The Scepter of the Dead King” which was the tool used to sink Atlantis. The remaining members of The Others are forced to team up in order to stop him. They are able to do so but not before Manta delivers the scepter to a mystery buyer.
This storyline extends through issues #7-13 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in Aquaman Vol. 2: The Others (Review) or the Aquaman by Geoff Johns Omnibus.
This flashback issue attempts to answer many questions from Aquaman’s past. It shows how an outcast Atlantean, named Vulko, helped Arthur control his powers and introduced him to Atlantis. Vulko believed that Orm, Arthur’s half-brother and current King of Atlantis, killed Arthur’s mother in order to inherit the throne. Vulko also explains that he believes Arthur would make a better and less violent king than Orm.
This storyline is told in issue #0 of Aquaman Vol. 7. This issue is collected in Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis (Review) or the Aquaman by Geoff Johns Omnibus.
Throne of Atlantis

This storyline kicks off with a few separate events designed to elicit war. Someone freed the beings from “The Trench” and also launched a missile strike on Atlantis. The Atlantians believe the missile strike to be a purposeful attack from the surface and respond accordingly.
This leads to all out war between Atlantis and the Justice League, who step in to defend the surface world. The two forces battle for a while and the Justice League is even forced to call in new recruits in order to respond to the threat. Eventually, Aquaman defeats his brother and takes over as King of Atlantis, instantly calling an end to the invasion. The storyline ends by revealing that Aquaman’s mentor, Vulko, was the one who set these events in motion so that Arthur could take the throne.
This storyline extends through issues #14-16 of Aquaman Vol. 7 and issues #15-17 of Justice League Vol. 2 (see our Throne of Atlantis reading order for more details). These issues are all collected in Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis (Review) or the Aquaman by Geoff Johns Omnibus.
Death of a King
The first half of this storyline focuses on the Scavenger, a criminal who is selling Atlantean weapons on the black market. Aquaman has little time to stop him because he is distracted by the rise of the Dead King, who has already gained control over the underwater prison colony of Xebel. Eventually, the Scavenger grows more bold and he launches a full scale invasion on Atlantis itself. Aquaman is able to stop him in a climactic showdown, however the strain of doing so knocks Aquaman unconscious for six months.
When he awakens, Aquaman learns the history of the Dead King. This King was formerly the benevolent ruler of Atlantis, before it sank. He was overthrown by his own people and forced to shatter Atlantis into seven sunken portions, one being the Trench, one being Xebel, and one being Atlantis. Armed with this knowledge, Aquaman uses the Dead King’s weapons against him and kills him. He ends the volume, once again, as ruler of Atlantis.
This storyline extends through issues #17-19 and #21-25 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are all collected in Aquaman Vol. 4: Death of a King (Review) or the Aquaman by Geoff Johns Omnibus.
Villains Month
In previous stories, both Black Manta and Orm (aka Ocean Master) were put in prison by the US Government. These issues show how the two are able to escape and shows what they do with their freedom. Black Manta goes on to help save the world in Forever Evil (Review). Orm starts a family on the surface world, which explains his presence in the “Death of a King” storyline.
This storyline extends through issues #23.1 and #23.2 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in the DC New 52 Villains Omnibus or the Aquaman by Geoff Johns Omnibus.
Aquaman and the Others- Legacy of Gold
Sometime after the events of “Death of a King”, Aquaman and the remaining members of the Others are brought back together again. They end up in a battle against a man going by the name “Legend”. Legend’s father was the original owner of the gold that would later be used to create the Other’s weapons. The others are able to defeat him before he is able to reclaim the gold and use it for villainous purposes.
This storyline takes place across issue #20 of Aquaman Vol. 7, Annual #1 of Aquaman Vol. 7, and issues #1-5 of Aquaman and the Others Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Aquaman and the Others Vol. 1: Legacy of Gold (Review).
Aquaman and the Others- Alignment Earth
The Others continue their adventures. This time they are pit against a group of terrorists who are about to gain control over a nuclear missile. Meanwhile, conflict within the team makes heroism even more difficult. However, they are able to pull together in the end and put a stop to the villains’ plan.
This storyline extends through issues #7-11 of Aquaman and the Others Vol. 1. These issues are collected in Aquaman and the Others Vol. 2: Alignment Earth (Review).
Futures End
In an alternate version of the future, Atlantis is at its lowest point and refugees from Xebel are putting further strain on the already low food supplies. The issue has divided Aquaman and Mera, since Aquaman wants to peacefully negotiate help from the surface world. Mera’s forces reawaken the Dead King and lead an assault on Aquaman’s forces. However, a member of the Others is able to stop the Dead King and the two groups reach peace together.
The storyline extends through Aquaman: Futures End #1 and Aquaman and the Others: Futures End #1. Both issues are collected in Aquaman and the Others Vol. 2: Alignment Earth (Review).
Sea of Storms
This moderately sized portion of Aquaman’s timeline encompasses multiple short stories that stand independent of one another. Aquaman faces off against an ancient Atlantean beast, goes to his high school reunion, shuts down a portal to a dimension of monsters, teams up with Wonder Woman to defeat the remaining monsters, and works together with Swamp Thing to stop a threat from the Green.
While all of this is going on, two larger stories begin to unravel in the background. One involves a man nearly killed at an underwater research base. A renegade member of the research base’s staff revives the man by grafting various animal parts onto his body. The other involves the portal to a dimension of monsters. Aquaman learns that Atlantean artifacts control this portal and that it has the possibility to lead to other locations. Both of these storylines will be important in future volumes.
This storyline extends through issues #26-31 and Annual #1 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in Aquaman Vol. 5: Sea of Storms (Review).
Secret Origins
Aquaman’s stories from Secret Origins are essentially just a recap of Aquaman’s past. They tell about his relationship with his father, the origin of his conflict with Black Manta, and how he and Mera met.
This storyline is found in the “Graduation” story from Secret Origin Vol. 3 #2 and the “Mera: The Mission” story from Secret Origins Vol. 3 #5. These stories are collected in Aquaman Vol. 6: Maelstrom (Review).
The Chimera
As a result of a mad scientist’s mechanisms, a former deep-sea diver has been fused with pieces of various sea life. Now, he comes into direct conflict with Aquaman. The two fight for a while, on land and in water, and the Chimera is even able to disrupt Aquaman’s control over sea life. Eventually, Aquaman throws the being into an overturned gas tank and blows him up. However, the end of the arc reveals that the Chimera is still alive somewhere.
This storyline extends through issues #32-34 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in Aquaman Vol. 6: Maelstrom (Review).

This storyline starts with the city of Atlantis rejecting Aquaman’s presence. The collective consciousness of the city does not recognize his human half and, thus, is responding to his rule with occasional earthquakes that are causing catastrophic damage. Aquaman begins an investigation into a possible solution and accidentally discovers that his mother may still be alive.
He then launches a massive expedition looking into where his mother may be. He discovers that she faked her own death and used the portals (from “Sea of Storms”) to flee Atlantis. Aquaman tracks her past actions through Gorilla City and eventually finds her leading a rogue tribe of Atlanteans on a distant island. However, she does not believe he is her son and reacts violently to his arrival. The two fight for a while but she eventually realizes the truth. She decides to stay with her new tribe but gives Aquaman an artifact that will allow Atlantis to accept his presence.
This storyline extends through issues #35-40 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in Aquaman Vol. 6: Maelstrom (Review).
Mysterious monsters from another dimension begin invading the Earth for unknown reasons. Aquaman initially seeks to completely destroy these forces, until he realizes that there are innocent civilians coming through with the invaders. Knowing this, he decides to save the innocent while repelling the monsters. He attempts to get Atlantis to aid him in this mission but Mera turns hostile and commands the forces of Atlantis to kill Aquaman.
We soon learn that Mera has been swapped with a shapeshifter from the hostile dimension. Eventually the real Mera is able to team up with Aquaman and stop the invasion, with the help of the Justice League.
This storyline extends through DC Sneak Peek: Aquaman #1 and issues #41-48 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in Aquaman Vol. 7: Exiled (Review).
Out of Darkness
Half of this storyline follows Aquaman’s fight against a mysterious new villain, Dead Water. This villain is a monstrous creature with the ability to teleport whenever it comes into contact with water. Aquaman eventually learns that the creature is really a man who came into contact with unnatural water, which altered his physical form and his mind. Dead Water and Aquaman fight until the man inside regains control long enough to kill the creature. Aquaman is unable to learn the location of the unnatural water.
The other half of this storyline follows Aquaman’s attempt to establish a deeper connection between Atlantis and the surface world. He starts this by inviting members of his royal guard to join him at a summer festival, which they enjoy. He then establishes an Atlantean embassy in the surface world and appoints Mera as his representative. The storyline ends with Atlantis and the surface world on better terms than ever before.
This storyline extends through issues #49-52 of Aquaman Vol. 7. These issues are collected in Aquaman Vol. 8: Out of Darkness (Review).
Coming Soon.