Review: Batman vs. Robin (Movie)

Quick Summary
Pros: The main narrative is interesting and evolves in a way that makes it even more interesting. The action is exciting and the animation helps it. The emotions are also great and help build on plot points from this film’s predecessor.
Cons: Some character decisions seem to be made based on what advances the plot, not what the characters would realistically do.
Overall: This is an awesome movie that takes all of its predecessor’s positives and builds on them even further. It takes an engaging storyline, partners it with some exciting action, sprinkles in some great emotion throughout, and tops the whole effort with a general sense of progression that make this film series more rewarding. Any Batman fan can jump in and enjoy this movie but fans who have seen the previous film will enjoy it even more.
Quick Review
Batman vs. Robin is a movie that comes out swinging and doesn’t stop until the curtain closes. It starts by kicking off a tremendously fun narrative that only manages to get more exciting and engaging as it progresses. Alongside this is a great emotional story that shows how the relationship between Batman and Robin is developing since it was established in the previous film. The film hits both of these points well and gives fans plenty of reasons to keep coming back to this series of Batman movies.
The biggest draw in Batman vs. Robin is the tense conflict it centers itself around and the intense scenes of action this conflict creates. The conflict comes from a mysterious enemy, slowly carving its place within Gotham City and bringing opposition to Batman’s activities. The build-up and reveal behind this mystery allows for some exciting reveals and, once everything is out in the open, the entire narrative allows for an explosive finish. All of this is further enhanced by the animation, which makes the combat feel engaging.
Alongside all of this action, there is also plenty of emotion. Batman vs. Robin explores the trials and troubles that come with Damian Wayne’s transition into the role of Robin and a member of the Wayne family. This transition faces some serious resistance, both internal and external, and, at times, feels like it may be doomed for failure. The entire effort creates some wonderful interactions between the movie’s main characters and even one of the movie’s villains. It also works as a great continuation to the story established by the previous film and will likely be even more rewarding for fans who have also seen that movie.
The only downside is that I felt frustrated with the number of situations that could have been resolved if Batman and Robin simply took a minute to talk. In some places, their silence makes sense but others left me wondering how two intelligent people could refuse to share certain pieces of information with each other, especially since some of it would have a massive impact on their lives. However, in the scope of the film as a whole, this is a mild complaint and does not have a large impact on the viewing process.
Batman vs. Robin takes place sometime shortly after Son of Batman (Review) and builds upon the status quo established by its predecessor.
This movie is followed by Batman: Bad Blood.
Our upcoming article on references in Batman vs. Robin will give a full explanation of how this movie fits into the DC Animated Movie Universe.