Thanos Reading Order

This reading order is designed to give an outline of major storylines featuring Thanos throughout Marvel Comics. It may not encompass every one of his appearances but is an outline of the major ones and the stories that affect them.

The continuity details relating to each specific storyline are explained in the “Review” of each storyline. Every “Review” link will provide a detailed continuity breakdown of that story and will explain any reference the story makes to other aspects of the Marvel Universe. All of this can be found under the “Continuity” section of each link.

Jump to: Bronze AgeModern Age (1986-1996)Modern Age (1996-2003)Modern Age (2003-2012)Marvel NOW!

Bronze Age

Thanos was introduced in the Bronze Age. He does not have any appearances prior to this point.

Though Thanos debuted in an issue of Iron Man, his earliest major role was in the Captain Marvel (Reading Order) series, where the “Thanos War” (Reading Order) played out. After this, he went on to have a large role in the life of Adam Warlock (Reading Order) which lead to a climactic conclusion across Avengers Annual #7 and Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2

Main Event Tie-Ins
Issue Collection Issue Collection
Iron Man #55 Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel Vol. 3 (Review)    
Captain Marvel #26    
Captain Marvel #27    
Captain Marvel #28    
Captain Marvel #29    
Captain Marvel #30    
    Marvel Feature #12 Thanos Wars: Infinity Origin Omnibus 1
    Daredevil #105 Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil Vol. 10 2
Captain Marvel #31 Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel Vol. 3 (Review)    
Captain Marvel #32    
    Avengers #125 Marvel Masterworks: Avengers Vol. 13 (Review) 3
Captain Marvel #33 Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel Vol. 3 (Review)    
Warlock #9 Marvel Masterworks: Adam Warlock Vol. 2 (Review)    
Warlock #10    
Warlock #11    
Warlock #15    
Avengers Annual #7    
Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2    
    Logan's Run #6 Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel Vol. 6 (Review)
Marvel Graphic Novel #1 Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel Vol. 6 (Review)    

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