Saint Walker (Bro’Dee Walker) Reading Order
This reading order is designed to give an outline of major storylines featuring Saint Walker (Bro’Dee Walker) throughout DC Comics. It may not encompass every one of his appearances but is an outline of the major ones and the stories that affect them.
The continuity details relating to each specific storyline are explained in the “Review” of each storyline. Every “Review” link will provide a detailed continuity breakdown of that story and will explain any reference the story makes to other aspects of the DC Universe. All of this can be found under the “Continuity” section of each link.
New 52
With the start of the New 52, the DC Universe was reset. However, Saint Walker and most characters related to the Green Lantern series were less affected by this reset than other characters. It appears as if most of Saint Walker’s solo history was preserved, specifically his relation to and status within the Blue Lantern Corps.
Saint Walker started this era with a prominent role in the Green Lantern: New Guardians series. There, his friendship with Kyle Rayner (Reading Order) was further developed and the majority of his adventures played out. After his role in that series was lessened, he went on to make small appearances in other Lantern-related titles. This caused some major changes in his life through the Green Lantern: Lights Out (Reading Order) and Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead (Reading Order) events. Finally, Saint Walker concluded this era with a few brief appearances in the Sinestro series.