Maps Mizoguchi Reading Order

This reading order is designed to give an outline of major storylines featuring Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi throughout DC Comics. It may not encompass every one of her appearances but is an outline of the major ones and the stories that affect them.

The continuity details relating to each specific storyline are explained in the “Review” of each storyline. Every “Review” link will provide a detailed continuity breakdown of that story and will explain any reference the story makes to other aspects of the DC Universe. All of this can be found under the “Continuity” section of each link.

Jump to: New 52Rebirth

New 52

Near the end of the New 52 era, the Gotham Academy (Reading Order) series began and, with it, came a host of new characters. One of these characters, Maps Mizoguchi, costarred in this series alongside Olive Silverlock (Reading Order).

Maps Mizoguchi’s adventures are almost always tied to events taking place in Gotham Academy or with the unofficial Gotham Academy Detective Club. Her friendship with Olive makes her a key part of the central plot point for this series and is the primary focus of Gotham Academy: Welcome to Gotham Academy (Review) and Gotham Academy: Calamity (Review). Though Gotham Academy Vol. 3: Yearbook (Review) places less focus on this plot point, the focus returns when Maps’s adventures transition into the Rebirth era.

Essential Extra
Issue Collection Issue Collection
Gotham Academy #1 Gotham Academy Vol. 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy (Review)    
Gotham Academy #2    
Gotham Academy #3    
Gotham Academy #4    
Gotham Academy #5    
Gotham Academy #6    
Gotham Academy: Sneak Peek #1 Gotham Academy Vol. 2: Calamity (Review)    
Gotham Academy #7    
Gotham Academy #8    
Gotham Academy #9    
Gotham Academy #10    
Gotham Academy #11    
Gotham Academy #12    
    Batgirl Annual #3 Batgirl Vol. 3: Mindfields (Review) 1
    Batgirl #51
    Batgirl #52
Gotham Academy #13 2 Gotham Academy Vol. 3: Yearbook (Review)    
Gotham Academy #14    
Gotham Academy #15    
Gotham Academy #16    
Gotham Academy #17    
Gotham Academy #18    
Gotham Academy Annual #1    
    Gotham Academy: Endgame #1 The Joker: Endgame 3
    Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #1 Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy 4
    Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #2
    Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #3
    Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #4
    Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #5
    Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #6

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