Superman: Doomed Reading Order
Action Comics issues are from Action Comics Vol. 2
Supergirl issues are from Supergirl Vol. 6
Superman issues are from Superman Vol. 3
Superman: Doomed (Review) is a crossover storyline that takes place across four different comic series and two special edition issues. It flows through these series in an inconsistent manner so following the order given is very important. These issues should all be read in the order detailed above in order for the story to make sense.
Before Reading
This crossover event mostly stems from the Action Comics, Superman, and Superman/Wonder Woman series. Specifically, a good deal of setup for this event is done in Action Comics Vol. 5: What Lies Beneath (Review) and Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Power Couple (Review). The events of Action Comics Vol. 1: Superman and the Men of Steel are also referenced a number of times.
After Reading
This event directly leads into first issue of Convergence, which takes place between the end of Part 4 and the beginning of the Epilogue. However, the main story involving Superman is mostly continued in Action Comics Vol. 7: Under the Skin (Review).