Super Sons of Tomorrow Reading Order

Main Event
Issue Collection
Superman #37 Super Sons of Tomorrow (Review)
Super Sons #11
Teen Titans #15
Superman #38
Super Sons #12

Superman issues are from the Vol. 4 series.
Teen Titans issues are from the Vol. 6 series.


Super Sons of Tomorrow (Review) is a crossover event that sees multiple of DC's young heroes threatened by a mysterious enemy. The event brings together the Teen Titans (Reading Order) and the Super Sons, with Robin (Reading Order) bridging the gap between the two groups.

This event is a crossover between the Superman, Super Sons, and Teen Titans comics. It starts in an issue of Superman and then proceeds through the rest of the comics before concluding in an issue of Super Sons. Each issue builds on the issue before it and directly set up the issue after it, so all issues must be read in the order prescribed in order for the event to make sense.  

Before Reading

The most direct precursor to the Super Sons of Tomorrow (Review) event is the "A Lonely Place of Living" storyline, detailed across Detective Comics #965-968 and collected in Detective Comics: A Lonely Place of Living (Review). This storyline introduces the main villain for Super Sons of Tomorrow and helps explain his motives.

In addition to this, Super Sons of Tomorrow generally continues the storyline of each series is encompasses. It continues to elaborate on Superboy's fluctuating powers, from the Superman series; the adventures of the Teen Titans, from the Teen Titans series; and Superboy and Robin's growing friendship, from the Super Sons series. However, these are more general continuations of each character's progression and not as specific as the villain's story.

After Reading

The story in Super Sons of Tomorrow does not directly continue in any specific comic but generally continues in each series that formed this crossover. This means it continues in Super Sons Vol. 3: Parent Trap, the second half of Superman Vol. 6: Imperius Lex (Review), and the second half of Teen Titans Vol. 3: The Return of Kid Flash (Review).

All DC Event Reading Orders

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