Doctor Fate (Khalid Nassour) Reading Order

This reading order is designed to give an outline of major storylines featuring Doctor Fate (Khalid Nassour) throughout DC Comics. It may not encompass every one of his appearances, but is an outline of the major ones and the stories that affect them.

The continuity details relating to each specific storyline are explained in the “Review” of each storyline. Every “Review” link will provide a detailed continuity breakdown of that story and will explain any reference the story makes to other aspects of the DC Universe. All of this can be found under the “Continuity” section of each link.

Jump to: New 52RebirthUniverse

New 52

Khalid Nassour was introduced in the New 52 era and has no appearances prior to this era.

Near the conclusion of this era, Khalid was introduced as a new version of Doctor Fate. His adventures as Fate were detailed across his solo series, which explained his origins, showed his first few adventures, and explained his connection to Kent Nelson (Reading Order), the original Doctor Fate.

Issue Collection
DC Sneak Peek: Doctor Fate Doctor Fate Vol. 1: The Blood Price (Review)
Doctor Fate #1
Doctor Fate #2
Doctor Fate #3
Doctor Fate #4
Doctor Fate #5
Doctor Fate #6
Doctor Fate #7
Doctor Fate #8 Doctor Fate Vol. 2: Prisoners of the Past (Review)
Doctor Fate #9
Doctor Fate #10
Doctor Fate #11
Doctor Fate #12
Doctor Fate #13 Doctor Fate Vol. 3: Fateful Threads (Review)
Doctor Fate #14
Doctor Fate #15
Doctor Fate #16
Doctor Fate #17
Doctor Fate #18

One thought on “Doctor Fate (Khalid Nassour) Reading Order

  • Só mais um joão

    Thanks for this, a shame that he have so little comics, i never like Doctor Fate, but i start to love Khalid Nassour Doctor Fate


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