Batman by Scott Snyder Reading Order

This reading order is designed to give an outline of Scott Snyder’s time writing Batman for DC Comics. It attempts to find the best way to showcase the narrative that stretches through this author’s time with the character. It may not encompass every one of the character’s appearances but is an outline of the major ones and the stories that affect them.

The continuity details relating to each specific storyline are explained in the “Review” of each storyline. Every “Review” link will provide a detailed continuity breakdown of that story and will explain any reference the story makes to other aspects of the DC Universe. All of this can be found under the “Continuity” section of each link.

Jump to: Post-Infinite CrisisNew 52Rebirth

Post-Infinite Crisis

Scott Snyder’s run on Batman starts shortly before the New 52 era began. At this time, Bruce Wayne was working on Batman Incorporated so Dick Grayson was working as Batman in Gotham.

In this era, there are only two major Batman story arcs written by Scott Snyder. The first focuses heavily on Dick Grayson, Commissioner Gordon, and James Gordon Jr. (Reading Order). The second places focus on the Bat-family and the history of Gotham while, somewhat, serving as a transition into the New 52 era.

Issue Collection
Detective Comics #871 Batman: The Black Mirror (Review)
Detective Comics #872
Detective Comics #873
Detective Comics #874
Detective Comics #875
Detective Comics #876
Detective Comics #877
Detective Comics #878
Detective Comics #879
Detective Comics #880
Detective Comics #881
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 Batman: Gates of Gotham (Review)
Batman: Gates of Gotham #2
Batman: Gates of Gotham #3
Batman: Gates of Gotham #4
Batman: Gates of Gotham #5

One thought on “Batman by Scott Snyder Reading Order

  • Where are the Detectice Comics or Batman Incorporated?


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