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Review: Oblivion Song Vol. 1

Quick Summary

Pros: The concept behind this series is unique and interesting. The action is thrilling and the mystery is compelling. The story contains a exploration of the human condition that ends up being very entertaining. The artwork looks great and enhances the reading experience.

Cons: Nothing significant.

Overall: The first volume in the Oblivion Song series starts out strong and gives readers plenty of reasons to come back for more. Right off the bat the story is easy to dive into. It has enough action to keep things fun, enough personality to keep things unique, and enough mystery to ensure that readers are interested throughout the read. Anyone looking for a compelling story that digs into the human condition, especially regarding PTSD and tragedy, should check this out.


The first volume in this brand new series takes a unique and interesting concept and uses it to launch thrilling action and compelling drama. Part of the collection follows the action-packed story of a man exploring the mystery of a hostile world, where it appears everything is trying to kill him. The other part comes from an interesting examination of how society reacts to a tragedy beyond anything that has happened before. Oblivion Song Vol. 1, written by Robert Kirkman, is a solid beginning to a series that is sure to hook readers in from the very start.

(spoilers start here)

One of the best and most compelling elements in Oblivion Song Vol. 1 is the concept upon which the series is based. The entire comic is set in a world that seems very similar to the one in which we live, with one major difference: ten years ago the city of Philadelphia was mysteriously teleported into a hostile dimension filled with monsters. The originality of this event and the way in which it affects the story is great all on its own. It also does a wonderful job in driving the narrative forward and provides the base upon which everything else is structured.

The most obvious initial benefit of this concept comes from the action and mystery. Nathan Cole’s many attempts to explore Oblivion are fraught with close calls and near brushes with death. These actions are thrilling and ensure that every moment in Oblivion has plenty of suspense. Meanwhile, questions surrounding what caused the Oblivion event pique interest in the land as a whole. Even learning about Nathan’s involvement, at the conclusion of this comic, only manages to raise more questions than it answers. Action and mystery are key factors in making this comic such a fun read.

This concept behind Oblivion isn’t just good for fun though, it also allows for a thoughtful exploration of the human condition. The book’s central catastrophe fundamentally shifted cultural norms and perceptions of reality for the people in this comic. PTSD is rampant and the struggle to return to normality is ever-present. This can be seen in the people who returned from Oblivion and also in those close to the people who have returned. Many of these elements hit close to home as they feel evocative of humanity’s greater tragedies, like ongoing wars or 9/11-style acts of terrorism. I’m really hoping this exploration of humanity continues in subsequent volumes, as I feel like it has the potential to tell some truly interesting stories.

(spoilers end here)


The artwork in Oblivion Song Vol. 1 is great and is essential to the overall success of this comic. Lorenzo De Felici’s artwork is detailed, well-structured, and visually pleasing on nearly every page. It is also wonderfully creative and depicts a fantastic array of technology, creatures, and environments that bring the world of this comic to life. This creativity helps to perfectly contrast the structure of the real world against the chaos of Oblivion.

However, the best part about the artwork in Oblivion Song is the way in which it enhances the storytelling. There are some pages within this book where dialogue is almost non-existent. Instead, thrilling action sequences generate the excitement and suspense all on their own. Meanwhile, small details in the background of other scenes give more information about how the world of Oblivion works or how it affected the real world. All of these elements help enhance the reading experience and make it more worthwhile.


Oblivion Song Vol. 1 is the first volume in a brand new comic series and has no connections to previously existing comics.

The story here continues in Oblivion Song Vol. 2.


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