New Detective Chimp Comic Collection Available For Pre-Order

Detective Chip has been through a lot in both recent comics and older ones. Recently, he took on a significant role in the Dark Nights: Metal (Reading Order) event and then in the Justice League Dark (Reading Order) team-up. However, his older adventures have been out of print for a long time. Now, some of these early appearances are being recollected in a new comic collection.
The Detective Chip collection is currently set for October 10, 2023. This volume is set to collect Amazing World of DC Comics #1, DC Comics Presents #35, DC Special #1, Tarzan #231 and #234-235, The Adventures of Rex the Wonder Dog #4, #6-46, and Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #6. Right now, the collection is listed as a hardcover in solicitations but the actual title lists it as being a trade paperback. So, the exact details surrounding this collection aren’t quite clear but will likely become clear as the release date approaches.
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