Mega Construx Pokémon Poké Ball Series Sets Released So Far (September 2021)
Mega Construx has been releasing Pokémon-themed sets for a while now. Previously, ComicBookWire has not maintained lists of these figures, however, we’re going to start. To do this, we took a look back at all of the sets released previously.
This list focuses on the Pokemon Mega Construx sets that come with a Poké Ball. These sets come with one figure and usually contain less pieces than other sets. This list details all of the sets released over the last few years, along with the type of Poké Ball they are packaged with.
Fans should keep in mind that some of these listings are dated at this point. This means some of the product details may have changed. In addition, some of the products may be out-of-stock and, thus, only be available from secondary sellers.
Generation One
- Bulbasaur (eyes closed)
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Bulbasaur (eyes open)
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Charmander
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Charmander (Winking)
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Squirtle
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Caterpie
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Pidgey
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Rattata
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Ekans
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Pikachu (winking)
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Pikachu (eyes open)
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Nidoran
- Comes with Nest Ball
- Nidoran
- Comes with Great Ball
- Clefairy
- Comes with Quick Ball
- Vulpix
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Jigglypuff
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Zubat
- Comes with Nest Ball
- Oddish
- Comes with Great Ball
- Paras
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Meowth
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Psyduck
- Comes with Premier Ball
Make sure to check out our list of upcoming Pokemon Funko Pop! figures right here!
- Growlithe
- Comes with Ultra Ball
- Poliwag
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Abra
- Comes with Great Ball
- Machop
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Bellsprout
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Geodude
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Magnemite
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Shellder
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Cubone
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Horsea
- Comes with Nest Ball
- Staryu
- Comes with Great Ball
- Magikarp
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Ditto
- Comes with Ultra Ball
- Eevee
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Omanyte
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Kabuto
- Comes with Ultra Ball
Generation Two
- Hoothoot
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Spinarak
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Chinchou
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Pichu
- Comes with Luxury Ball
- Togepi
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Marill
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Aipom
- Comes with Ultra Ball
- Wooper
- Comes with Poké Ball
- Murkrow
- Comes with Quick Ball
- Snubbull
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Sneasel
- Comes with Friend Ball
- Elekid
- Comes with Premier Ball
Generation Three
- Aron
- Comes with Quick Ball
- Plusle
- Comes with Luxury Ball
- Minun
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Note: the product information lists a Premier Ball but the image shows a Quick Ball.
- Carvanha
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Trapinch
- Comes with Great Ball
Generation Four
- Piplup
- Comes with Great Ball
- Happiny
- Comes with Ultra Ball
- Munchlax
- Comes with Quick Ball
- Riolu
- Comes with Ultra Ball
Generation Five
- Snivy
- Comes with Quick Ball
- Tepig
- Comes with Nest Ball
- Oshawott
- Comes with Nest Ball
- Lillipup
- Comes with Quick Ball
- Minccino
- Comes with Great Ball
- Deino
- Comes with Nest Ball
Generation Six
- Pancham
- Comes with Premier Ball
Generation Seven
- Pikipek
- Comes with Luxury Ball
- Grubbin
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Charjabug
- Comes with Great Ball
- Crabrawler
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Fomantis
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Salandit
- Comes with Great Ball
- Stufful
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Bounsweet
- Comes with Premier Ball
- Togedemaru
- Comes with Luxury Ball
- Mimikyu
- Comes with Premier Ball
Generation Eight
- Wooloo
- Comes with Friend Ball
- Yamper
- Comes with Friend Ball
- Morpeko (Full Belly Mode)
- Comes with Quick Ball
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This list is terrible. You don’t say which series they are in or their set numbers