Infinite Frontier #0 is Set to Start DC’s Next Era

Back in 2016, DC Comics launched the Rebirth era with DC Universe: Rebirth #1. This issue told the story of Wally West’s (Reading Order) return to the world of DC Comics while also kick-starting the Doomsday Clock (Reading Order) narrative. The comic also made dozens of small hints at what was to come in the next few years of storytelling, like Damian Wayne (Reading Order) joining the Teen Titans (Reading Order) or Mister Oz’s continued impact on Superman’s (Reading Order) life.
Now, it looks like the freshly announced Infinite Frontier #0 is set to do something similar.
Like, DC Universe: Rebirth #1, this appears to start by addressing the aftermath of the previous era. The solicitations for Infinite Frontier indicate that this comic will finally give fans a chance to see how Dark Nights: Death Metal and the upcoming Future State event have altered the progression of DC’s current continuity. The comic’s framing story, centered around Wonder Woman and the Spectre, will specifically focus on this.
While taking time to overview the past, Infinite Frontier appears to be mostly focused on the future. This includes a variety of snapshots focused on DC’s latest comic book lineup. This looks like it will include direct preludes to the upcoming Joker series, the upcoming Teen Titans Academy series, Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad’s run on Wonder Woman, Brian Michael Bendis’ run on Justice League, the return of Stargirl, and more. If it’s anything like DC Universe: Rebirth, I could also see it giving the first hints regarding whatever ends up becoming DC’s next big event (though this is purely speculation on my part).
Here at ComicBookWire, we like to keep a close eye on changes like this because it helps us clearly define the different eras found in our DC Comics Reading Orders. With a new era on the horizon, we’ll attempt to update our reading orders to include material from the most recent era. This should provide readers with the background information necessary to jump into a new chapter for DC Comics.
Infinite Frontier #0 is set to hit shelves, both physically and digitally, on March 2, 2021.
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