ArticleDC ComicsFrom the ComicsRebirth

From the Comics: The Return of Condiment King and Crazy Quilt

Typically, Batman’s enemies are fierce, deadly, and serious to a fault. However, the latest issue of Batman saw the humorous return of several villains who don’t exactly fit this description.
Crazy Quilt demands to be taken seriously.

This issue featured Batman and Nightwing taking on Condiment King and Crazy Quilt, characters who don’t inspire the same level of fear that villains like the Joker do. Condiment King’s arsenal consists of one gun that shoots out various condiments. Meanwhile, Crazy Quilt’s most deadly weapon is an array of hypnotic colors, which are rendered completely ineffectual if his opponents close their eyes.

The entire endeavor was humorous and brought a little lighthearted entertainment to the life of a character who is typically shrouded in grave solemnity. Even Nightwing couldn’t hold his composure while fighting these two, and ended up laughing for majority of the battles.

Though the villains in this issue may have been silly, the issue also featured a wonderfully wholesome flashback about Bruce Wayne helping Dick Grayson get over his parents’ death. This story was contrasted against the present, where Dick is helping Bruce get over his recent relationship mishap. The entire narrative is charming and heartwarming in a way that fans of the characters will definitely appreciate.


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