Review: Dark Nights: Metal #5

Pros: The action and comedy here are still as entertaining as ever. The buildup to the series’ conclusion works in multiple ways. The artwork is just as amazing as it always is.
Cons: Nothing significant.
Overall: The second to last issue of this epic series proves to be just as exciting and fun as the first. This is an issue that provides all the action and drama that this series has become known for, while also building a tremendous amount of excitement for the final issue. Then, the issue ends on a cliffhanger that will leave readers dying to see what happens next. If you have enjoyed the series so far, your enjoyment will only be greater here.
In the penultimate issue of the Dark Nights: Metal series, writer Scott Snyder is preparing for the end. The action is on the rise, storylines are becoming more tense and perilous, and hopes and dreams are being crushed. All of this is done with one thing in mind, getting readers more excited to read the next issue than ever before. In this way, Dark Nights: Metal #5 is a huge success. I left this issue thoroughly entertained by its contents on their own and ready to see how this epic saga reaches its conclusion.
(spoilers start here)
The first half of this issue is rather optimistic; Green Lantern and Mister Terrific are freed from their prison by Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman finds Hawkman’s mace so she can defeat Black Adam, Aquaman and Deathstroke discover the secret to the Nth Metal they are near, and Batman and Superman may have found a way to fix the Forge. All of this makes readers believe the heroes are on the rise and that the world will soon be saved.
However, all of these hopes are quickly dashed with the intervention of Barbatos’ Dark Knights. Descending upon each team of heroes, they claim the Nth Metal for themselves and further their goal of sinking Earth into the Dark Multiverse. It is heartbreaking to see but serves as the perfect prelude to the series’ finale. Putting the heroes at their absolute lowest point right before the conclusion allows for the last issue to do something dramatic, just when readers believe all hope is lost. No matter what direction Snyder goes with the last issue of this series, the setup here will allow it to have a huge impact.
Through this darkening of hope, one of the book’s overall themes becomes more pronounced than ever before. The themes of hope in the face of hopelessness and meaning in the face of meaninglessness were first explored by Snyder back in Batman: Endgame (Review), but are far more apparent here. While they are still not fully developed yet, their presence here makes me believe they may have a far more significant role in the book’s final issue. I have a lot of faith in the way Snyder is able to give his comics meaning while not overwhelming readers and am interesting in seeing how this all plays out.
This issue isn’t all hopelessness and serious themes though, the trademark humor and action is still more than present. Batman and Superman dodging Hawkman’s hammer and Wonder Woman taking down Black Adam are just two examples of the off the walls action that can be found in this issue. Meanwhile, jokes like the ones Green Lantern makes about kicking Starro’s butt provide a dash of humor as well. Despite the relatively melodramatic nature of this issue, fans of the series can still be sure to find a healthy dose of fun as well.
(spoilers end here)
It will come as no surprise to anyone that Greg Capullo’s artwork, in this issue, looks fantastic. His work here is detailed, well structured, and beautiful in way we have discussed over and over again in every one of our reviews. In this particular issue, it is worth noting how incredibly creative these drawings are. I was blown away by how unique and wonderful things like the land around the Universal Forge, Hawkman and Lady Blackhawk, and the beings from the Dark Multiverse were depicted. This issue continues the series’ legacy of greatness and is a visual pleasure through and through.
Dark Nights: Metal #5 is the fifth issue in the Dark Nights: Metal series. Fans should read the first four issues in order to understand what is going on here (our reviews/breakdowns of these issues can be found here).
The story here will conclude in Dark Nights: Metal #6.
This issue also references stories from other comic books, all of which are detailed below:
- Bruce Wayne says that he has been trapped by Barbatos and has already lost hope once before. This happened in Batman: Lost (Review).
- Plastic Man’s origin is mentioned. This origin is shown in Justice League #25, which is collected in Justice League Vol. 5: Forever Heroes (Review).
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