Review: Aquaman Vol. 2- The Others
This book is another great installment in this chapter of Aquaman’s history. It improves on what came before it while also managing to build up excitement for the future. Readers who …
Read MoreThis book is another great installment in this chapter of Aquaman’s history. It improves on what came before it while also managing to build up excitement for the future. Readers who …
Read MoreThis is the book to read for both longtime Aquaman fans and newcomers alike. It shows Aquaman and Mera in a way that makes them seem more compelling than ever before and also manages to tell an entertaining story while doing so. It also seems to be …
Read MorePros: Characterizations and relationships star in this volume as individuals get even more interesting. Also, Wonder Woman becomes even cooler, yet more sincere than she has been all series.
Cons: The #0 issue is not really that good. There are a lot of subplots going on here, almost to the point where it can feel a little scattered at times.
Overall: This volume continues to bring the same positives that the volumes before it brought, while also managing to improve on the negatives. It also introduces some new elements and concepts that could end up paying off in a very interesting way in the near future. But above all, this volume …
Read MorePros: This volume is great, yet again, and continues to deliver on both suspense and storytelling. It also does a great job in showing off the messed up dynamic of Wonder Woman’s new family of gods. On top of that, the artwork remains just as great as it was in the first volume.
Cons: At times, it seems like the series just throws in action sequences just to have them, rather than making them contribute to the story.
Overall: This collection takes everything that was great about the first collection and improves upon it. It introduces more of the Greek Pantheon, contributes significantly to the overall story, and adds some wonderful twists that keep …
Read MoreThis collection feels like a combination between reading Sherlock Holmes and James Bond, all wrapped in a Bat-costume. The mystery in this book will leave any reader interested from the start and …
Read MoreRound two with Batgirl is a noticeable and positive difference from round one. Not only is the story more interesting and believable, but it also introduces not one, but several stellar villains and a …
Read MoreReading this book is an often fun and entertaining ride that unfortunately has some rather deep potholes along the way. However, if you go into the book not expecting to receive a thought provoking or insightful message, then you’ll …
Read MoreQuick Summary Pros: Action, character development, and drama can be found throughout this issue in a pretty standard street level
Read MoreQuick Summary Pros: The story and art are both still really great and continue to add to the enigma that
Read MoreThis book sees the controversial return of Barbara Gordon as Batgirl and manages to pull it off very well. Though not the best of the New 52, it may be one of the better titles in the Bat-family of books as it offers …
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