Captain America, Loki, Star Wars, and Over a Dozen More Marvel Omnibus Editions on the Way
It’s been a little over a month since our last major Marvel Omnibus update and a little under a month since our last mini-Marvel Omnibus update. However, a ton of Omnibus editions have been solicited since then, so we’re here again to take a look at these awesome upcoming collections.
This update includes a lot of newly collected material while also reprinting some currently out-of-print books. Notable entries here include omnibuses for the original Alien and Predator comics. Plus, Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic Vol. 1 is unique in that it collects “Legends” material in an omnibus format, hopefully indicating more “Legends” content will receive this treatment in the future. There are also five, separate Captain America Omnibuses, with all of them collecting either classic or high-memorable content. All in all, the collections here are impressive and promising.
This is a list of all upcoming Marvel Omnibus editions that have been solicited since our previous two Marvel Omnibus updates. Our previous two updates can be seen here and here. Keep in mind that solicitations like these are often edited, changed, or canceled before release. This means that this list is likely to be what is released in the future, but nothing is guaranteed.

- Captain America by Dan Jurgens Omnibus
- Collects Captain America (1998) #25-50 and Captain America Annual 2000-2001. Also includes material from Captain America: The Legend (1996) #1.
- Release Date: July 13, 2021
- Golden Age Captain America Omnibus Vol. 2
- Collects Captain America Comics (1941) #13-24.
- Release Date: July 13, 2021
- Captain America Omnibus Vol. 3
- Collects Captain America (1968) #149-192. Also includes material from Giant-Size Captain America (1975) #1 and FOOM (1973) #8.
- Release Date: July 20, 2021
- Savage Sword of Conan: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 5
- Collects Savage Sword of Conan (1974) #61-72.
- Release Date: July 20, 2021
- Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic Omnibus Vol. 1
- Collects Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2006) #1-50, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – War (2012) #1-5, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Handbook (2007) #1. Also includes material from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Rebellion (2006) #0.
- Release Date: July 20, 2021
- Captain America by Rick Remender Omnibus
- Collects Captain America (2012) #1-25, Winter Soldier: The Bitter March (2014) #1-5, All-New Captain America: Fear Him (2015) #1-4, All-New Captain America (2014) #1-6, and Hail Hydra (2015) #1-4.
- Release Date: July 27, 2021
- The Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol. 2 (New Printing)
- Collects Fantastic Four (1961) #31-60 and Fantastic Four Annual (1963) #2-4.
- Release Date: July 27, 2021
- Cosmic Ghost Rider Omnibus Vol. 1
- Collects Thanos (2016) #13-18, Thanos Annual (2018) #1, Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #1-5, Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History (2019) #1-6, Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1-6, Avengers (2018) #22-25, and Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider (2019) #1-5. Also includes material from Thanos Legacy (2018) #1 and Wolverine: Black, White & Blood (2020) #3.
- Release Date: August 3, 2021
- Predator: The Original Years Omnibus Vol. 1
- Collects Predator (1989) #1-4, Predator 2 (1991) #1-2, Predator: Big Game (1991) #1-4, Predator: Cold War (1991) #1-4, Predator: The Bloody Sands of Time (1992) #1-2, Predator: Bad Blood (1993) #1-4, Predator: Invaders from the Fourth Dimension (1994) #1, Predator: Dark River (1996) #1-4, Predator: Strange Roux (1996) #1, Predator: Kindred (1996) #1-4. Also includes material from Dark Horse Presents (1986) #46, #119; Dark Horse Comics (1992) #1-2, #4-7, #10-14, #16-18, #20-21; and A Decade of Dark Horse (1996) #1.
- Release Date: August 3, 2021
- Amazing Spider-Man By Michelinie & McFarlane Omnibus (New Printing)
- Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #296-329 and material from Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #10.
- Release Date: August 10, 2021
- The Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol. 3 (New Printing)
- Collects Fantastic Four (1961) #61-93 and Annual #5-7, and material from Not Brand Echh #5-7.
- Release Date: August 10, 2021
- Loki Omnibus Vol. 1
- Collects Avengers (1963) #1; Journey Into Mystery (1952) #111, #113 and #115-123; and Thor (1966) #153-157, #167, #173, #175-177, #179-181 and Annual #2. Also includes material from Journey Into Mystery (1952) #85, #88, #91-92, #94, #97, #100-104, #107-108, #110, #112, #114 And #124-125; Thor (1966) #126-129, #142 And #147-152; Strange Tales (1951) #123; Tales To Astonish (1959) #101; and Silver Surfer (1968) #4.
- Release Date: August 10, 2021
- Captain America: The Death Of Captain America Omnibus (New Printing)
- Collects Captain America (2004) #25-42.
- Release Date: August 17, 2021
- X-Factor by Peter David Vol. 1
- Collects X-Factor (1986) #55, #70-92; X-Factor Annual (1986) #7-8; and Incredible Hulk (1968) #390-392. Also includes material from X-Factor Annual (1986) #5-6 and New Mutants Annual (1984) #6
- Release Date: August 17, 2021
See all our “Upcoming Collection” lists right here
- Cloak and Dagger Omnibus Vol. 2
- Collects Marvel Graphic Novel: Cloak And Dagger – Predator And Prey, Strange Tales (1987) #7, Mutant Misadventures Of Cloak And Dagger #1-13, Cloak And Dagger (1990) #14-19. Also includes material from Strange Tales (1987) #3-6 and #8-19.
- Release Date: August 24, 2021
- Marvel: August 1961 Omnibus
- Collects Journey Into Mystery (1952) #73-74; Kathy #13; Life With Millie #13; Patsy Walker #97; Amazing Adventures (1961) #6; Fantastic Four (1961) #1; Kid Colt, Outlaw #101; Linda Carter, Student Nurse #2; Millie The Model #105; Strange Tales (1951) #90; Tales Of Suspense (1959) #23; Tales To Astonish (1959) #25; Gunsmoke Western #67; Love Romances #96; Teen-Age Romance #84; Amazing Adult Fantasy #7; Patsy And Hedy #79; and Rawhide Kid (1960) #25.
- Release Date: August 24, 2021
- Aliens: The Original Years Omnibus Vol. 2
- Collects Aliens: Rogue #1-4, Aliens: Colonial Marines #1-10, Aliens: Labyrinth #1-4, Aliens: Salvation, Aliens: Music Of The Spears #1-4 and Aliens: Stronghold #1-4. Also includes material from Dark Horse Comics #3-5, #11-13 and #15-19; Previews (1993) #1-12; Previews (1994) #1; and Aliens Magazine (1992) #9-20.
- Release Date: August 31, 2021
- What If? The Original Marvel Series Omnibus Vol. 1
- Collects What If? (1977) #1-15 and #17-22.
- Release Date: August 31, 2021
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