ArticleComic BooksMarvel Comics

All Upcoming Marvel Deluxe Editions (now until July 2024)

There are plenty of gorgeous looking deluxe editions and oversized collections coming from Marvel Comics in the future. These mostly fall into two categories. The first is the standard Marvel Deluxe Editions, which tend to be the same dimensions as an Omnibus Edition but with fewer pages. Then, there are the Gallery Editions, which are even larger so that the art can be fully appreciated. The upcoming Marvel collections include some great selections from both categories.

This is a list of all solicited Marvel Comics Deluxe Editions currently set for release between today and July of 2024. Readers should keep in mind that solicitations like these often undergo changes before release. Contents, release dates, and collection sizes could all be altered before the book comes out, or the book could be canceled altogether. This means that this list is what is likely to be released in the future, but nothing is guaranteed.

View our previous list of deluxe solicitations right here.

Are you excited for these new deluxe editions? Check our posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest and let us know which one you are looking forward to the most. Also, make sure to sign up for ComicBookWire’s newsletter to get regular updates regarding information like this.

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