ArticleBoom! StudiosComic Books

All Upcoming BOOM! Studios Paperback Collections (now until October 2022)

In the near future, there is a diverse range of hardcover collections coming from BOOM! Studios. To simplify what to expect, we created a list of all BOOM! Studios paperback collections currently set for release between today and October of 2022. This list details the contents and release date for each collection.

Readers should keep in mind that solicitations like these often undergo changes before release. Contents, release dates, and collection sizes could all be altered before the book comes out, or the book could be canceled altogether. This means that this list is likely to be what is released in the future, but nothing is guaranteed.

View our previous list of paperback solicitations right here.

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See all our “Upcoming Collection” lists right here

Are you excited for these new collections? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest and let us know which one you are looking forward to the most. Also, make sure to sign up for ComicBookWire’s newsletter to get regular updates regarding information like this.

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